*인터레이스 버티컬 빌리지, 헥사곤 아파트 [ OMA & ole scheeren ] the interlace_vertical village in singapore

슈퍼 헥사곤, 31개의 블록이 만드는 8개의 클러스터(육각형태의 중정)는 주변자연환경과의 적극적인 호흡을 위한 건축적 제스쳐로 이를 통해 생성되는 다양한 외부환경; 랜드스케이프를 거주자와 연결시키는 매개체 역활을 수행한다. (6층 규모의 블록)은 '슈퍼레벨'을 통해 4개의 분절레벨로 다시 24층 규모의 아파트로 각 세대의 적정한 버퍼스페이스(이격거리)를 확보, 자연채광과 자연환기가 원활한 거주환경을 구현한다. (24층, 170,000sqm, 1,040세대) 여기 다양한 외부공간; 8개의 클러스터 뿐만아니라 각 블록이 만나면서 생성된 잉여외부공간은 거주자를 위한 그린네트워크, 소셜네트워크로 저층부의 센트럴 광장, 극장 플라자, 워터파크와 함께 각종 부대시설(클럽하우스, 극장, 짐) 및 옥상가든, 테라스등으로 연속된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

designed by ole scheeren, former partner of OMA, singaporean apartment complex ‘the interlace‘ has opened its door to residents, six years after the project was first commissioned. the development, made up of 31 apartment blocks, each six storeys tall, comprises an extensive and integrated network of private and communal spaces. rather than clusters of isolated towers, the scheme reinterprets ideas behind contemporary living, with horizontally connected volumes establishing a better connected and less isolated residential environment.

stacked in a hexagonal arrangement, the units are articulated around eight generously proportioned courtyards forming a unified topography where terraced gardens are positioned across the stepped volumes. blocks are arranged on four main ‘superlevels’ with three ‘peaks’ of 24 storeys, while multi-story openings allow light and air to weave into and through the landscape. imagined as a ‘vertical village’, the 170,000 square meter project provides 1,040 residential units that are both spacious and reasonably priced.

project: the interlace
type: residential
status: commission 2007, completion 2013
client: capitaland singapore
location: singapore
site: 8 hectares at alexandra road/depot road
scale: 170,000 sqm
program: 1,040 residences 144,000 sqm, clubhouse / amenities 1,500 sqm, retail 500 sqm, ancillary / MEP 24,000 sqm, basement parking 2,600 spaces

design architect: OMA, designer and partner-in-charge ole scheeren
architect of record: RSP architects, planners & engineers pte. ltd., singapore
structural engineers: arup, beijing (concept/SD structural engineering); RSP architects, planners & engineers pte. ltd. (structural engineering); t.y. lin international pte ltd., singapore (civil and structural engineering, construction engineering)
MEP engineer: squire mech pte ltd., singapore
sustainability: arup, hong kong (concept/SD)
landscape: OMA (concept/SD) / ICN design international pte. ltd., singapore
lighting: lighting planners associates (s) pte ltd., singapore
façade: arup, singapore
quantity surveyor: langdon & seah singapore pte ltd
graphic design (logo): 2×4, new york
photography: iwan baan

a primary pedestrian route leads residents from the main entrance through the courtyards as primary points of orientation and identification. circulation is grouped according to the population density around each plaza, while a system of secondary footpaths brings inhabitants to their private front doors. the idea of community life within a contemporary village is emphasized throughout through an extensive network of gardens. a variety of public amenities are interwoven into the landscape, offering numerous opportunities for social interaction and shared activities within the natural environment.

a central square, theatre plaza, and water park occupy the more public and central spaces and contain shared amenity areas such as a clubhouse, theater, gyms and a 50-meter lap pool with sun deck. surrounding courtyards provide shaded outdoor play and picnic areas with lower blocks around its perimeter. the waterfall, lotus pond, and rainforest spa complete the eight main courtyards. and offer residents further areas of recreation in a more relaxed and contemplative atmosphere.

from an environmental perspective, sustainability features are incorporated throughout the project through thorough analysis and the integration of low-impact passive energy strategies. through stacking the apartments, the design generates a multiplication of horizontal surfaces populated by extensive roof gardens and landscaped terraces that offer more green space than the size of the unbuilt site. water bodies have been strategically positioned within defined wind corridors, encouraging evaporative cooling, while vehicular traffic and parking is accommodated in a single layer below the landscaped ground level.

the interlace opens a space of collective experience within the city and reunites the desire for individuality and privacy with a sense of togetherness and living in a community,’ explains architect ole scheeren. ‘social interaction is integrated with the natural environment in a synthesis of tropical nature and habitable urban space. the design generates a multiplicity of qualities and choices for its inhabitants – a sense of richness and freedom in the choices you make.

in recognition of its contributions to the urban realm and social sustainability, the project has been chosen by the council on tall buildings and urban habitat as the winner of the global urban habitat award 2014. judges praised the design for its ‘exemplary integration with its surrounding environment; and its ability to add to the social sustainability of its immediate and wider context, environmentally, socially, and culturally.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY