*코워킹, 인큐베이터 비즈니스 지원을 위한 워크샵 [ Guy Hollaway Architects ] The Workshop

인큐베이터 비즈니스 플랜을 위한 코업 스페이스는 기존 나이트클럽을 리노베이션 및 확장을 통하여 시작된다. 크리에이티브 쿼터 (지방자치단체?)의 후원으로 조성되는 비즈니스 플랜은 청년들의 창업활동 및 다양한 비즈니스 모델 지원을 통한 지역경제 활성화 모델로 이번 워크샵 프로젝트의 1층, 팩토리 플로어에 자리한다. 총 5개층으로 이루어진 오피스는 1층, 팩토리 플로어를 제외하고 지원사업을 위한 오피스와 미팅룸으로 구성된다. 특히 위아래층을 수직으로 연결하는 슬라이딩은 워크샵이 지향하는 진보적인 성향과 창의적인 생각을 적나라하게 보여주는 디자인 요소로 효과적인 동선확보와 유괘한 공간감을 생성시킨다. 이와는 대조적으로 외부 파사드 디자인은 기존 건축물의 외형을 그대로 유지하며 확장부위의 굴곡진 글래스 파사드와 함께 다크한 색상으로 고유한 캐릭터를 형성한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The Workshop is a regeneration and extension of a former nightclub in Folkestone, Kent to create the Office Headquarters for View London, a guide to London City.

The project houses five level of flexible office space. The ground floor is referred to as the Factory Floor and functions as an incubator for new businesses starting up to aid the local economy by adding to Folkestone’s creative quarter, while the remaining levels accommodate flexible office spaces and meeting rooms. A historical façade has been restored and retained and sits as if floating in front of the undulating glass. The new black colour of the facade contrasts with a new undulating glass wall that sits alongside, it is the surrounding glass that gives a clue from the exterior of the modern working building behind.

Architects: Guy Hollaway Architects
Location: , UK
Year: 2013
Photographs: Charles Hosea

The client is very forward-thinking and wanted to create a relaxed, fun working environment. In response to this philosophy, the upper floors are connected by an industrial slide which provides quick circulation between the floors, providing a flexible workspace with a lively working environment. The fourth floor, which was added during the renovation, is set back from the facade, creating a south-facing balcony looking out towards the sea.

The design was complex to build, with the facade having to be suspended during construction to insert the surrounding contemporary glass facade whose curving undulations feed into the historical original facade, where old meets new. This organic glazed element elegantly filters light into the internal office spaces. The design features an additional upper floor, which is set back from the existing facade line. This creates a south facing external balcony space, which uses the existing façade as a balustrade giving a view over the town and towards the English Channel.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY