*펀칭 스톤 파사드 [ KNOWSPACE ] CHEGS Campus Canteen

서베이 캠퍼스의 수문학 및 지질학 센터 리노베이션 프로젝트의 첫번째 단계, 캠퍼스 칸틴(교내식다) 빌딩은 1980년대 건립된 기존 도어맨하우스를 리노베이션; 1층에 주방을 포함한 직원 식당과 VIP식당 그리고 2층에 다목적으로 활용 가능한 액티브 스페이스로 재구성된다. 다양한 요구조건은 플렉서블한 싱글 스페이스로 심플한 큐빅 볼륨으로 완성된다. -상부층은 다양한 이벤트 장소로 사용된다. 탁구장, 강의실 또는 스테이와 관중석을 포함한 발표회장으로 사용 가능하다.- 특히 빌딩의 캐릭터를 정의하는 파사드 디자인은 더블 스킨구조로 외부환경으로 부터 내부를 보호하는 글래스 커튼월이 내부 레이어에, 다양한 오프닝으로 마치 펀칭된 스크린을 연상시키는 스톤이 외부 레이어에 자리한다. 작렬하는 태양으로 부터의 쉐이딩은 물론 적절한 시야 차단효과는 22cm 두께의 스톤 패턴의 조합을 통하여 보장된다. -두개의 사이즈로 구성된 석재가 사용된다. 선형부재와 정방향부재로 장방향 부재가 각 부재간 수평 간극을 조정하며 거대한 펀칭 스크린을 생성한다.-

reviewed by SJ,오사

The reorganization of the Center for Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology Survey’s campus includes several different interventions in 2 phases: phase 1 comprises of a 2-storey canteen and activity center building and the renovation of the doorman house, while phase 2 includes a 10-storey laboratory building and the refurbishment of the office building facade from the 1980s.

Architects: KNOWSPACE
Location: , Hebei, China
Architect In Charge: Erhard An-He Kinzelbach Architekt BDA
Area: 660.0 sqm
Year: 2014
Photographs: Lv Hengzhong
Structure, Hvac And Site Supervision: Baoding Institute for Architecture Design Co., Ltd
Client: Center for Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology Survey (CHEGS), Baoding

now completed phase 1. As the originally planned canteen in the new office building’s basement did not gain permission to operate, the institute had to look for an alternative location on the campus. A brick storage building from the 70s in the backward had to make place for a new building, but the planning department restricted the footprint of the new volume to match the old footprint. As a consequence, the canteen is a simple cubic volume. Both floors, due to functional requirements, are flexible single spaces. The ground floor houses the employees’ canteen with the kitchen and a separate VIP dining room, and the first floor mainly consists of a multi-purpose space that can be equally used to play table-tennis or to hold lectures and presentations with a stage and an audience. The main twin stairs with 3 runs each that separate entering and leaving traffic and an additional fire stair connect the two floors.

The main spaces are zoned and differentiated through a performative facade. It consists of 2 layers: while an inner layer with a series of floor to ceiling glass windows provides climatic separation, the outer layer is a screen-like perforated stone facade with gradually varying degrees of opening, both servind as a shading and a opening device. In specific occasions, large openings cut through the stone facade and provide views of the outside and inside alike. The stone wall stands independently and has a depth of 22cm which articulates its materiality. As one of the main areas for the institute’s field research is Xinjiang, the field of perforations in the façade may be seen as an interpretation of the Xinjiang raisin drying houses, only that the more permanent stone brick substitutes the original rammed earth brick material. The yellow granite’s surface is hammered or, as they say in China, treated like a lychee-skin. The landscaping integrates a basketball court and an adjacent existing air raid shelter that sticks out of the ground.

from archdaily


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