*주차빌딩, 타워 [ vaumm arkitektura ] parking garage

스페인 렌테리아에 위치한 파킹 빌딩은 도시사회 문제로 대두되는 주차공간 및 레져공간 부족에 대한 대안으로 지역 내 물리적으로 단절된 공간 연속 -동선의 확보 및 그린스페이스의 확보- 과 111대의 주차공간을 제공한다. 두대의 파노라마 엘리베이터와 2층으로 구성된 철골조는 경사면을 따라 자연스레 형성, 약 2.5개층을 지면으로 부터 선큰, 외부로 드러나는 건축물의 볼륨을 최소한으로 한다. -주차를 위한 인프라는 드러내지 않고 수렴된다. 지역문화 및 그린네트워크의 연속이 중요하다.- 이러한 건축환경은 그린루프 -주변 랜드스케이프와 연속되는-와 도심 네트워크 -물리적으로 단절된 두개의 도심 네트워크 연결, 보행자로 확보- 구축 그리고 주차빌딩의 2개층 파사드 -내부 주차공간의 자연광 유입과 겉으로 들러나지 않는 비물질적인 텍스쳐를 사용 지역환경에 순응하는- 및 철골 구조로 이루어 진다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

galtzaraborda is a neighborhood located in the town of renteria, spain that was built in the mid 1960s. due to the great industrial development in the region, there was a huge demand for housing that was designed to absorb the labor migration wave, which generated an urbanism with serious deficiencies, inefficient amounts of public space, and a lack of accessibility. these problems have been accentuated by the progressive aging of the population. intervening with this context, vaumm arkitektura has developed a project located in a central plot, which was left undeveloped as a break in the fabric of the city.

photo © aitor ortiz
all images courtesy of vaumm arkitektura

location: renteria, gipuzkoa
year: 2013
surveyor, boats engineering, structures: julen rozas
photography: aitor ortiz
client: city of renteria
cost: €3.14 million
surface: 5,000 m2
status: 1st prize. complete

the work, beyond resolving parking, the function which motivates the project, is also conceived as an opportunity to generate an infrastructure that meets the circulation needs of the society, providing parks and leisure areas. the program of 111 automobile spaces is divided into two buildings with two towers of panoramic elevators: one for each massing and two large squares as decks. transversely, it connects civic amenities with the residential community and guarantees the vertical access from the highest point of the neighborhood to the lowest level of it, where the train station is situated. this transportation hub links the town of rentería to donostia-san sebastián.

the facility is formed by two half-buried geometeries, absorbing the slope of the site, generating the minimum aesthetic and volumetric impact. many of the parking spaces are open, which allows the installation of a semi-transparent facade, avoiding a blind and inert front, and knowing intuitively the inner activity. a tour of the exterior perimeter can be made by qualities of the ramp and stairs, giving continuity to the transits through the park and the adjacent structures. the decks have different surface treatments according to their uses as hard pavement zones coexisting with large gardens. green roofs return the original out areas occupied by the complex and introduce nature in a highly densified urban environment.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY