*인보성당, 작은 교회의 즐거움 [ Archigroup MA ] Inbo Catholic Church

울산의 한적한 전원마을의 중심부, 풍부한 자연환경 속에 인보성당은 자리한다. 사제실, 교회, 사무실을 비롯한 주요 교회시설은 지상층에 각종 서비스 시설은 지하층에 자리한다. 각 기능에 따라 분절된 교회의 볼륨들은 전원마을의 작은 스케일과 조화를 이룬다. 여기에 교회 박공지붕은 주변산세와 조화를 이루며 마을의 상징적인 중심이 된다. 이와같은 배치, 볼륨들 사이의 광대한 외부공간은 마을을 위한 공용공간으로 언제든지 접근이 용이하도록 열리며 계단, 램프, 벽을 포함한 연속적인 공간적 체험을 통한 공간적 흥미를 제공한다. 마치 마을 및 마을 내 골목길과 유사한 공간적 체험을 제공한다.

교회의 구성

교회 신도들의 높은 비율, 공간의 훼손, 한정적인 예산은 공간의 구성, 재료, 형상을 정의하는 주요한 키워드로 작용한다. 노인들의 계단 사용 및 접근의 용이성을 위해 교회의 주요실은 지면의 반층 위에 홀, 클래스룸, 화장실의 부대시설은 지면 반층 아래에 위치한다. 한정적인 예산은 교회건축을 심플함(단순한 형태)과 이를 구축하는 재료와 마감을 모던니티(적절한?)하게 하지만 이는 종교적인 겸손함이 생성하는 단순함으로 영속적인 세계관을 표현하는 적절한 매개체가 된다. (외벽 및 교회지붕의 질감이 느껴지는 콘크리트 마감은 거친 돌을 연상시키는 모티브로 자연과 건축을 연결한다.) 교회의 공간구성은 이전 교회건축 구성을 따라간다. 이에따라 성가대석의 배치와 접근은 고딕교회의 구성을 동일하게 유지한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The Inbo Catholic Church is located in the centre of a small town surrounded by mountains. A priest’s room, the church, and an office are located in ground floor, and the service facilities are located underground. The segmented volumes of the church, separated by functions, are in harmony with the small scale of the rural town.

Architects: Archigroup MA
Location: , South Korea
Architect In Charge: Yoo, Byungan
Area: 424.0 sqm
Year: 2013
Photographs: Yoon, Joonhwan
Structure Engineer: Hi Structural Engineers
Construction: Cheonyoung Construction,
Mechanical Engineer: Mido Technology Office
Electric Engineer: Kukdong Munhwa Engineering Consultant

The steep roof of the church harmonizes with surrounded mountains to become the symbolic center of the village. The spacious exterior between volumes is accessible from anywhere as a common open yard for the village. It provides spatial interest and a sense of continuity with stairs, ramps and walls. The church despite its small size resembles a small town and its alleyways.

The church

A high proportion of parishioners, spatial demands and a limited budget were key elements to decide the form, composition of space and materials. Considering the usage of stairs by the elderly, the church is set half-level up from the yard, and the hall, the classroom, and toilets are set half-level down. Exterior walls and the roof of the church with chipped concrete finish give the impression of rough stone.

Simply formed spaces show moderate finishes and materials due to the low budget, but the humble simplicity has permanency as other religious constructions. Intention of making a sacred space for prayers is shown in the bright white space right through to the empty framed cross at the moment of entering. The spatial layout of the church conforms with the early church architecture. The position and access to the choir loft are derived from the construction of the Gothic Church.

The other buildings

The existing priest’s room is renovated as an office of the church, which links the new church and the village buildings harmoniously. The maintenance of the existing priest’s room was controversial during the construction process. It was decided to keep it with the existing rusty bell tower inside a new concrete structure to evoke the old. Parts of the wood flooring from the old community building were sorted and reused for the walls of the confessional of the new church. By this, the architect expresses his values that space should reflect the site’s memories and its people’s stories, and that architecture should not be a process of demolishing the old to make way for the new.

The priest’s room was positioned for easy access to the church, and the space was laid out for its practical use. A small yard and a balcony of the first floor together creates an open space for the priest away from onlookers. The space of the ground floor is planned as a kitchen and a sitting room, and the space of the first floor is planned as a priest’s own space and a study.

Today, Megachurches, enormous catholic churches, ultramodern Buddhist temples are rampant. The Inbo Catholic Church is designed to be faithful to its proper function. It is the architect’s sincere desire for this small church to be in harmony with the old and the new, and to become an interactive space for the community of the village.

from  archdaily


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