*칠레 해변가 호스텔 [ Alejandro Soffia and Gabriel Rudolphy ] Hostal Ritoque in Chile

칠레 퀸테로 해변가에 위치한 호스텔의 가장 큰 이슈는 한정적인 자원으로 건축주의 요구조건을 충족시키는 숙박시설 완성에 있다. 이를 위해 지역재료를 이용한 규격화 설계 그리고 재료의 특성을 반영한 구축방법을 심도 있게 적용한다. 지역 자생 소나무를 이용, 스탠다드 프로포션을 제작한다. 그리고 재료 물성을 반영한 구축을 적용한다. 여기에 최적의 설계를 위해 건축 기능 및 볼륨을 단순화 한다. 일련화된 설계과정을 통해 낭비요소를 제거함으로써 시간과 비용을 절감한다. (미터 제곱당 400유로의 공사비로)

이리하여 완성된 호스텔은 총 5블록, 2-3층 규모로 구성된다. 지형, 해변을 따라 열주한 건물은 매우 단순한 박스형태로 지면으로 부터 띄어진 필로티 형식을 취하고 있다. 먼저 남측에 위치한 게스트하우스, 3개동은 2층으로 구성되며 1층에는 원베드룸과 욕실이 2층에는 더블베드룸이 위치한다. 각 각 바다를 마주하는 전면창으로 발코니를 통해 외부로 확장된다. 그리고 북측에는 주인을 위한 컴팩트한 스튜디오형 아파트가 배치된다. 그 사이에 커뮤니티 시설을 배치, 공용거실, 식당, 주방이 주인 및 손님들을 위해 제공된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Chilean architects Alejandro Soffia and Gabriel Rudolphy were set a strict budget for this seaside guesthouse complex, so they used standard dimensions to get as much value as possible out of their building materials

Located at the northern end of a beach in Quintero, part of Chile's Valparaíso Region, Hostal Ritoque is made up of five buildings – a trio of two-storey guesthouses, a communal facilities building and a small apartment for the owner.

Photography is by Alejandro Soffia, Pablo Casals-Aguirre and Juan Durán.

Client: Diego Arenas, Dayenú Vencilla
Architects: Alejandro Soffia, Gabriel Rudolphy
Structure: José Manuel Morales, Gabriel Rudolphy
Contractors: Juan Tapia, Francisco Tapia, Diego Arenas

Alejandro Soffia and Gabriel Rudolphy delivered the complex for just over £400 per square metre by basing their design around the standard proportions of locally available sawn pine.
"In general, high-level architectural production is associated with improper use of costly materials, which produces an equality gap to the extent that the benefits of good design can only be taken advantage of by those that can afford it," explained the architects.
"We have opted to design projects that optimise the material conditions of building systems that are low-cost and technologically simple," they continued. "Capitalising on the dimensional properties of construction materials allows us to take advantage of materials so as to reduce the times and costs involved in a work of architecture."
The architects began the project by contacting local suppliers and contractors, putting together a catalogue of building techniques and materials that could be found without excessive transportation costs.
They then set about developing a series of architectural volumes that could be constructed within those parameters.
The result is a row of simple boxy volumes that are raised up on log columns so they barely make contact with the uneven terrain below.
"Our conceptual concerns for good, low-cost design coincided with the equilibrium point between the client's wishes and his budget," added Soffia and Rudolphy.
The three buildings designated for guest accommodation are located at the southern end of the site. Each one has a bedroom and bathroom on the lower level and a double bedroom above.
Walls, floors and ceilings have all been left as exposed pine. Both levels are also fronted by glazed doors that slide open, leading onto balconies with views out to sea.
At the northern end of the site is a compact studio apartment for the owner, while the block sandwiched in between is the communal building offering generous living, dining and kitchen facilities for him and his guests.
Elevated terraces have been slotted in between the buildings, with staircases leading up to them from the beach.

from  dezeen


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