*버티컬 우드 프레임 [ Daniel Bonilla Arquitectos ] Camber of Commerce Building in Chapinero

프로젝트의 시작은 어반 라이프를 보장하는 퍼블릭 빌딩에 대한 질문의 대답으로 지역주민들의 커뮤니티를 비롯한 다양한 도시생활의 지원시설이 자리한다. 경사 대지를 따라 빌딩은 배치, 평면은 기울어진다. 플랫폼의 전통적인 공간 속에 생성된 흥미로운 다이나믹함은 도시와의 접점 폭을 확장하는 어반 발코니와 함께 도시와 건축을 연결하는 매개체로 작용한다. 그리고 여기 지속성장 가능한 건축을 지향점으로 키네틱 아트로 부터 영감받은 언둘레이션 플라이우드가 수직으로 파사드에 부착된다. -왜곡된 비쥬얼 시퀀스를 생성하는 버티컬은 자연환기, 자연채광, 직사광선 방지 등 패시브환경을 구현, 효율적인 에너지 운영을 확보한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The project is proposed under the question of how a public building located in an anonymous corner of the city can provide urban life. We thus formulate a siting where the floor plan tilts to build an artificial topography, creating an interesting dynamic with the traditional space of the platform and producing an urban balcony that adds to many public accesses in ascent or descent.

Architects: Daniel Bonilla Arquitectos
Location: , Bogota,
Design Team: Daniel Bonilla, Juliana Lozano, Pedro Pulido, Seir Amaya, Alexander Roa, Adriana Hernández, Álvaro Acosta, Mauricio Morales, Oscar Montenegro, David Córdoba, Juan Andrés Díaz
General Management: Gerencia de proyectos Cámara de Comercio
Project Area: 11436.0 m2
Project Year: 2009
Photographs: Rodrigo Dávila, Sergio Gómez
Students: Alejandro Méndez, Alejandra Torres, Giancarlo Mainero, Carolina Andrade
Structural Design: MQ Ingeniería ltda
Soil Survey: LFO Ing. de suelos
Acoustic Design: AVI consultores
Bio Climatic Consultant : Agustín Adarve

The content

The program is broken down between operating and support areas, comprising: a circulation and operational support volume, that serves to connect the levels and provide complementary technical areas to the building. A volume or flexible prism serves to accommodate the activities. It is conceived as a space capable of absorbing infinite changes in the future. An interstitial space, operational crack or “atrium”, which enhances the playful relationship between the two volumes. It is strategically functional by providing the entry of natural light and ventilation.

The envelope

The dominant mass is clad with an envelope of undulating plywood inspired by Kinetic Art, which produces visual distortion effects. An institutional semi-frame accompanies it, taken from the generic image of recent buildings constructed by the Chamber of Commerce in Bogota

The efficiency

The building includes pertinent rational solutions relating to energy consumption and sustainability, such as the use of passive means of ventilation, lighting and sun protection.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY