*커스텀 모토싸이클 bandit9 EVE motorcycle captured with konstantin kofta's fashion line

2014년 bandit9사의 커스텀 모터싸이클, 'EVE'가 런칭한다. 67년형 혼다 "SS"를 베이스로 개발, 디자인한 바이크는 90cc 와 125cc 두가지 모델로 구성된다. 크롬-피니쉬 스틸 유니바디를 바탕으로 브론즈 엑센트, 클래식 휠과 서스펜션 여기에 노출된 엔진은 강렬한 머신을 연상시키는 동시에 조각과 같은 아름다움을 선사한다. 여기에 konstantin 엘레강스한 지오메트릭 백이 앙상블을 이루며 스타일리쉬한 라이딩을 제공한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

initially launched in 2014, the bandit9 ‘EVE’ motorcycle is a custom-made model, boasting either a 90cc or 125 cc engine, that was developed upon the basis of a 1967 honda ‘SS’ bike. with a chrome-finished steel unibody which has bronze accents, the two-wheeler is stripped back to display its powerful mechanical parts such as the exposed suspension, and to further illustrate its sculptured form. these latest images captured by wing chan, showcases the beautiful ‘EVE’ product in a collaborative project with ukrainian fashion designer konstantin kofta, which, together, creates an almost sci-fi environment.

the integration of bandit9′s ‘EVE’ and konstantin’s geometric bag of elegance which is a part of his 2015 ‘inertia’ collection, not only reflects their shared individuality, but also references the beijing-based customization company’s ventures outside of the motorcycle industry. the fresh collaboration envisions how they source their designs from other creative professions, such as; fashion, art, architecture, film and photography.

from  designboom


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