*랜드마크 몬딜 스퀘어 빌딩 [ Blocher Blocher Partners ] Mondeal Square in Ahmedabad

랜드마크는 무엇으로 정의되는가? 이에 대한 대답은 여기 몬딜 스퀘어 빌딩이 지향하는 건축과 공간 그리고 장소성에서 발견된다. 몬딜 스퀘어 빌딩은 인구 700만, 인도의 거대 도시 중 하나인 동시에 세계적인 메트로폴리스로 급성장하는 Ahmedabad에 위치한다.

도시를 연결하는 고속도로와 마주한 대지에 부여된 장소성은 랜드마크를 위한 건축을 그리고 도시의 얼굴을 투영한 파사드와 거주자 및 방문객(시민들)을 위한 도시환경 지표 구현을 지시한다. 그리하여 완성된 빌딩은 총 연면적 17,000sqm, 3,600상업공간 그리고 오피스를 위한 10층 규모를 갖는 복합시설로 제안된다.

버티컬 스트럽과 호르젠탈 판넬(화이트 알루미늄으로 제작된)은 수평성을 강조하는 파사드 디자인 요소로 사용되며 내부환경을 유지시켜주는 기능을 수행한다. 지역적 특성을 고려; 인도의 석양으로 부터 쉐이딩 하기 위한 장치로 건축물의 지속성을 보장한다. 여기에 메인파사드와 대비되는 후면과 측면은 수평으로 주름진 파사드 디자인을 통해 스타일리쉬한 외형을 구축한다. -보다 정제된 건축어휘를 적용한다.- 그리고 측면에 위치한 계단실과 엘리베이터를 통해 3-10층 오피스는 연계된다.

오픈된 노출콘크리트 천장과 라이트 그레이 타일은 공간을 구분하는 글래스 월과호작용하며 공간을 엘레강스하고 투명하게 만든다. 여기에 우드와 밝은 인테리어는 쾌적한 거주환경과 따뜻한 분위기를 제공, 거주자에게 즐거움을 선사한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

With its approximately seven million inhabitants, Ahmedabad is one of the largest cities of India and one of the world’s fastest growing metropolis. This is where the architectural and design office Blocher Blocher India Pvt. Ltd. has planned and implemented the multi-functional building complex, Mondeal Square. A highlight: the largest LED media façade of the country.

Architects: Blocher Blocher Partners
Location: Sarkhej – Gandhinagar Highway, Ahmedabad, Gujarat,
Area: 3600.0 sqm
Photographs: Courtesy of Blocher Blocher Partners

Ahmedabad. What constitutes a landmark? To shape the face of a city and present a point of orientation for resident and visitor. Two characteristics, which Mondeal Square satisfied already soon after its opening. Located in Ahmedabad’s burgeoning suburb Prahladnagar on the S.G. Highway, the ensemble offers a total floor space of 17,000 square metres, of which 3,600 comprise commercial space, as well as ten storeys for office usage. During the day, the striking structure of the curtain façade defines the two buildings. The vertical struts and horizontal panes made of white aluminium profiles serve not only for a long-range effect but also for shade.

A significant locational advantage in India’s sunny west – and a statement for sustainable construction, as this, after all, reduces the use of air conditioners. As a contrast to the main façade, the rear side of the building is stylishly more restrained with a horizontal lamella façade. This is where the stairwells are located, also providing access – besides the elevators – to the office floors from the third to the tenth floor.

The way these can be designed is exemplified by Blocher Blocher India on the top floor. Open exposed concrete ceilings and light grey tiles interplay with glass dividing walls, conveying a sense of minimalistic elegance and transparency. Wooden wall elements and the light interior provide the premises with warmth and increased quality-of-stay for the employees.

Light as an architectural element.

At night, the ensemble unfolds a very special charm. The buildings have the largest media facade in India, consisting of LED bands with a total length of approximately five kilometres, covering the 5,300 square metre glazed façade. They can be lit completely individually to display movement, colour sequences or even silhouettes of moving figures. The differently sized, large square openings of the rear façade also light up then, and together with the illuminated plaza with furniture, staircases and vegetation culminate in an illuminated crescendo. A touch of gaily colourful art in the urban space.

And this in a deeply symbolic location. Situated on a striking corner plot, by virtue of the elliptical shape of the buildings, two lifelines of the city are brought together, namely S.G. Highway and Prahladnagar Road. The buildings meet the passer-by with an inviting gesture – also because of the fusion of architecture and public space.

The outdoor areas and staircases pick up on the height differences of the surroundings, and form an organic unit of plateaus and stepped landscapes. The Planners, moreover, renounced an obvious, structural boundary and relied on palms as a natural green marker. They are at the same time a symbol for the aspiring Ahmedabad and the rich history of the city.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY