*아이들을 위한 아빠정글짐 Who Needs A Jungle Gym When You Have A Parent To Climb On?

아이를 위한 정글짐, 아빠에게는...? 아이들과의 놀이 및 친밀도 향상을 위한 기구로 제안된다. 솔직히 어느정도 효용성이 있을지 의문이지만, 저는 비추하고 싶네요.

Kids are so consumed by the myriad distractions of the 21st century, it's getting harder and harder for parents to make sure they're getting in the physical exercise they need to keep them healthy. Similarly, always-on culture is making bonding time between parents and their children difficult to sustain—distractions affect parents just as much as their children. With Atsushi Shiraishi's new wearable jungle gym, the dream of inter-family bonding has become a reality.

Just try to check your phone when your toddler has just swung her leg over your head and is scaling down the front of your body like you're a human rock climbing wall. The leather-and-rope contraption is like a real piece of playground equipment, and perfect for your small child to cling to as you try to go about your business. Shiraishi, a student at Tama Art University in Japan, created the product for his thesis. And as if things needed to get any weirder, the thing is named the AthleTitti, evoking, well, we just won't go there.

People say we're living through the dawn of an era of wearable technology, but this just isn't what we expected.

from  fastcodesign


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