*크리닉센터 [ AGi architects ] Ali Mohammed T. Al-Ghanim Clinic

크리닉 센터의 지향점은 환자들의 안전과 사생활을 보호하는 헬스케어 스페이스 구현과 이를 뒷받침하는 건축환경(필터링)에 있다. 대지 전체를 포함하는 크리닉의 프로그램은 (멀리서 건축물을 바라보면 마치 거대한 모놀리틱 요소로 보여지는 듯한) 센터의 외형적 특징을 표현하는 높은 외벽과 필터링 파사드를 통해 외부로 부터 분리된 프라이버시 스페이스를 구축한다. 여기에 필터링 파사드는 크리틱 센터의 독립성과 캐릭터를 완성하는 디자인 및 기능적 요소로 적용, 내부 조명과 함께 발광하며 아름다운 장면들을 연출한다. -파라메트릭 프로세스를 통해 디자인된 파사드 패턴은 지속가능한 건축환경 구현과 건축물의 아이텐티 캐릭터 구현을 목표로 현대적인 건축재료; 메탈메쉬를 이용한 경제적인 구축을 완성한다.-

reviewed by SJ,오사


Ali Mohammed T. Al-Ghanim Clinic building by stands as a pioneer in the healthcare sector, where challenging issues such as privacy and security are addressed using a new model, where courtyards attached to the façade are the driving element behind this unique typology.




Architects: AGi architects
Architectural Design Team: Salvador Cejudo, Stefania Rendinelli, Hanan Alkouh, Gwenola Kergall, Bruno Gomes, Ana López Cerrato
Design Team: Nasser B. Abulhasan, Joaquin Pérez-Goicoechea
Client: Ministry of Health of Kuwait / Mr. Ali Mohammad Thuniyan Al-Ghanim
Area: 6500.0 sqm
Year: 2014
Photographs: Nelson Garrido

The program occupies the entirety of the site, and from afar the building is viewed as a monolithic element solidifying its ground and creating a high walled fortress protecting from vandalism and maximizing privacy. The courtyards are carved into the building, allowing for natural light into all the clinics. The concept of the façade generating light, views and ventilation is reversed; and the courtyards are brought inwards from the perimeter creating further privacy. Examination rooms have been located towards the closed outer façade and opened to the interior courtyards in which common space flows.

Working directly with manufacturers and parametric processes that generate maximum areas based on minimum thicknesses, and adaptable geometries to incorporate efficient substructures have allowed creating a contemporary mesh that connects to the cultural identity of end users. An anodized and perforated metal sheet allows sufficient light to enter, constructing a veiled threshold in between exterior and internal courtyards.

Upon entering the clinic, a colorful ceramic mosaic welcomes patients. This range of colors will go with visitors during their stay at the clinic, identifying counters of each medical specialty with different colors included in the mosaic. This common practice in the hospital use is especially useful when building users belong to very different cultures, users who not only do not know the language but use different alphabets –Devanagari, Arabic or Roman-.

Due to the density and variety of the program presented in this clinic, the spaces are sectioned off into multiple self-sufficient departments, which can operate independently from one another. Internal circulation is organized in a fluid way, conceiving space as a succession of linked rooms and public areas, avoiding as much as possible the typical corridor scheme of hospital typology.

The Ali Mohammed T. Al-Ghanim Clinic is viewed as an iconic progressive building, in which this vision could not have been apprehended without the generous donation of Mr. Ali Mohammad Thuniyan Al-Ghanim.














from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY