*지속가능한 오피스 환경 [ STGM Architects ] New STGM Architects head office

퀘백시 친환경 단지에 위치한 연면적 1,000sqm, 2층 규모의 STGM헤드오피스는 지속가능한 건축환경 구현을 목표로 진행된다. 이를 위해 대지 및 주변상황을 고려한 통합디자인이 적용된다. 경량우드 스트럭쳐, 태양을 고려한 배치, 친환경적인 동시에 경제적인 재료와 효율적인 시스템 그리고 이를 포함하는 장축의 건물형상을 통해 구현된다.

동부 삼나무와 조합된 고효율 콘크리트 슬라이딩은 단순하면서도 역동적인 외형을 구현, 인상적인 장면을 연출하는 동시에 솔리드와 보이드의 적절한 관계 형성을 통해 우아한 건축공간을 완성한다. -건축공간의 적절한 조닝 및 배치-

단순하면서도 현대적인 남북방향의 장축 건물은 두개의 광대한 워크샵, 독립적인 사무공간, 컨퍼런스 룸, 인도어&아웃도어 미팅룸 및 휴식공간으로 구성된다.

효율적인 물관리를 통해 물사용을 최소화한다. 절전형 수전사용과 직원들의 음용수를 제외한 조경수, 화장실 사용수는 빗물 또는 재처리시설을 통해 공급되는 중수를 사용한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

STGM’s new head office is located in the Beauport borough of Quebec City, adjacent to the Estimauville eco-neighbourhood.

It is a 1,000 square metre two-stories structure that puts the focus on eco-friendly, architectural innovation. The building succeeds in offering an exceptional level of comfort to its occupants through the mindful integration of a longitudinal form, orientation to the sun, light wood structure, meticulously selected materials and efficient systems, while producing a low ecological footprint.

New STGM Architects head office, Québec, Canada
Program: office building
Architects: STGM Architects
Area: 1,000 sqm
Completion: 2015

High performance concrete siding combined with Eastern Cedar creates an impression that is both simple and dynamic, with attention given to the relationship between solids and voids that lend the building an air of elegance that belies both time and fashion. From the first sketches, the designers sought to attain a high level of sustainability using creativity to implement the strategies necessary to reach LEED-NC Platinum level.

STGM’s new offices comprise two vast open-area workshops, closed offices, conference rooms, and indoor and outdoor meeting and rest areas. The longitudinal form, developed north-south, is sober and contemporary.

A number of features were included to reduce the consumption of drinking water. Through efficient water management, the building decreases the energy requirements of wastewater treatment plants. The strategies employed aimed to reduce the consumption of drinking water through the use of such water-saving accessories as low-flow faucets and shower heads, and rainwater to flush the toilets.

An ambitious reduction in energy consumption of over 60% compared with the reference building was sought through an innovative aerothermal design and recuperation of the building’s internal heat to curb demand on the distribution networks. A solar wall was also erected on the south-west facade of the building to preheat fresh air.

from  domusweb


Designed by JB FACTORY