*푸켓 이니알라 호텔, 풀 빌라 [ a-cero architects ] interior of an iniala beach house

국제적인 디자인 스튜디오, a-cero의 최근작. 푸켓 나타이 해변가에 위치한 iniala호텔 레스토랑과 고급 풀빌라 인테리어 프로젝트.

아름다운 풍경, 바다를 향한 빌라는 크게 두개의 거주공간과 그 사이에 자리한 길쭉한 풀장 그리고 아웃도어 데크로 구성된다. 각 거주공간은 바다로 열린 전창과 부드럽게 휘어진 곡선 지붕으로 '마치 조약돌 같은' 뉘앙스를 풍긴다. 여기에 각실은 건축적으로는 유사한 관계성을 보이지만, 서로 다른 방향성으로 프라이버시를 확보한다.

내부공간은 우드판넬을 바탕으로 물결치는 곡선 캐노피(침대위에 설치된 화이트 판넬)로 강조된다. 각실에 설치된 캐노피는 서로 직교함으로써 프라이버시를 또한번 확보한다. 내부에 설치된 가구 또한 맞춤제작되어 안락함과 럭셔리함을 배가시킨다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

international studio a-cero architects has shared with us images of one of their most recent works, the interior design of villa bianca and a restaurant in the iniala hotel on natai beach, phuket. the form of the rooms are dictated by curving roofs that almost meet at a central axis oriented towards the ocean. between them, a linear pool extends the entire length of the structures reaching out past the enclosed spaces towards the shore. as the two rooms volumetrically play off of one another, so the interior design defines similar yet vastly different schemes. wood planks wrap the interior of the curving canopy complemented by sinuous white panels- in one unit oriented to point the eye towards the ocean, in the other oriented to emphasize the curving of the structure, in the perpendicular axis. the orientations also dictate the custom interior furnishings, taking the existing lines to transform them into the fixtures that bring comfort and luxury to the rooms. the reflective white headboards, counters, benches and vanities are crafted from the highest quality polycarbonate so as to erase any hint of seems.

architect: kim in-cheurl+archium
designer: jo joonyoung
location: nepal, mustang, jomsom
programme: fm radio broadcasting
site area: 1,500㎡
building area: 747.81㎡
building scope: 1f
structure: masonry structure +rc structure
outside finishing: on site stone, wood
inside finishing: on site stone, wood+thk 8mm glass
structural engineer: kya structural engineers co.,ltd
construction work: sambu(nepal)pvt.ltd.
mechanical engineer: eng energy design lab & geuk dong electronic design lab
design period: 05.2012~09.2012
construction period: 09.2012~07.2013
client: mbc + koica
photographer: koji fujii / nacasa&pertners inc.

from  designboom


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