*벽돌 파사드 디자인 [ CAAT Studio ] Kahrizak Residential Project


이란건축의 전통적인 양식을 투영한다. 전체 프로젝트를 관통하는 단순함은 쾌적한 거주환경을 충족하는 기능성 확보와 주변 도시환경과 연속되는 장면은 연출한다. 무엇보다 지역기후와 거주공간의 지속성을 위해 전통적인 이란건축(지역건축)을 적용한다. -지역건축;로컬건축은 지역기후를 비롯한 다양한 주변환경을 오랜시간동안 반영한 결과물로 고유한 형태론을 갖는다.-

프로젝트의 고유한 캐릭터 생성을 위한 재료 선택 또한 저렴하면서, 적용이 용이한 지역 재료를 선별한다. 그 결과, 재료의 운송까지 고려하여 인근에 위치한 공장에서 생산하는 소성벽돌을 사용하며 이에 알맞은 모듈로 디자인, 제작한다. 벽돌 모듈 디자인은 이란 고유한 기하학 패턴을 바탕으로 시작된다. 내부 공간의 기능에 따라 재조정된 각 모듈 패턴은 다양한 형태로 표현되는 동시에 논리적인 공식으로 일관성 있게 정렬된다. 그 결과 완성된 부드러운 입면은 이란 벽돌 건축의 재해석과 주거공간의 정수를 보여주는 고유한 캐릭터를 생성한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

When we were offered this project, there were factors such as the location of the project, the problems in the region, the poverty the residents lived in and the Client’s determination to improve the living conditions in Kahrizak that motivated us to find the best solutions possible to build accommodations appropriate to the region’s climate and residents’ culture so as to set an typology of design and construction in the area. Since there is a myth in our society that good architecture is the immediate result of good money supply so it belongs to the rich only, the main goal of this project was designing a construction enjoying quality and providing affordability. This goal could be achieved only through the effective interaction and cooperation between the architect, the Client and the collaborators.

Architects: CAAT Studio
Location: , Tehran, Iran
Architect In Charge: Mahdi Kamboozia
Area: 1660.0 sqm
Year: 2015
Photographs: Parham Taghiof, Ashkan Radnia
Design Collaborator: Helena Ghanbari
Assistant: Alireza Movahedi

There is a constant historical principle in Iranian architecture: the richness in details in coexistence with the representation of simplicity in overall scale which finally ends into merging with the context and matching to their functions. In Iranian traditional architecture users built their houses in a sustainable and climatic manner. This architectural considerations led into creation of a variety of typologies in different climatic zones of the country. We decided to be loyal to this principle in our project.

The choice of material was a significant parameter in this project mainly because we had to choose something affordable and easy to freight to the site. As a result, we considered clay blocks which were produced in a factory nearby and this meant a considerable decrease in the freight charge of the materials. The modules were constructed with bricks and we tried to find a suitable material for the module frames. The least expensive material that gave us the ability to create our desired sense of space was concrete. This way, we could reduce the cost of the project to its minimum. We used this reduction of cost to create the high quality interior spaces.

After designing the project we started to train regional workmen. To make sure that they are skilled enough to arrange final modules we ran some test modules before the final construction phase started. The client’s patience, understanding and his trust helped the process.

The close collaboration between architect and the client caused the progress of this project in a half forgotten district and at last it reached residents satisfaction. The units were sold-out during the construction phase with the same price of a finished building in the neighborhood while there was so many completed buildings left unsold. This way we achieved the client`s goal to gain profit of his project. That was what we all searching for; residents’ satisfaction, the clients’ benefit; A proper architecture from architect`s point of view and a good resume for constructors. Thus everyone who was somehow involved in the project was given what he/she tried to achieve.

Application of brick products:

As it may be seen in the project images we used clay blocks in the façade in a way that cover some parts of the terraces according to the reasons mentioned above.

Brick modules’ designs are based on Iranian geometrical patterns; each module was designed in relation with the function of the space behind it. Having variety in brick modules they are coherent and homophonic. That’s how it resulted in a smooth facade to represent both Iranian brick architecture and the essence of residential. In addition this geometry is concrete for local workmen and thus it facilitates the construction process. The geometry is also present in traditional residential architecture of desert areas of Iran.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY