*가로환경에 대응하는 복합상업공간 [ Knowles Blunck Architecture ] Garland Center

갈랜드 센터 프로젝트는 가로환경에 적극적으로 대응하는 복합상업 공간으로 주차장 시설과 상점을 포함한다. 1600대를 주차하는 주차구조물과 20,000gsf 면적의 상점, 그리고 거대한 거점 상업시설, 아칸서스 북스토어(대학교)가 32,000gsf면적으로 구성된다. 그보다 먼저 입지적인 특징, 대학교와 인근 주거단지를 연계하는 어반네트워크 생성을 첫번째 목표로 제안된다.

가로환경에 대응, 어반 컨텍스트의 연결

재활용 섬유시멘트 보드를 부착한 가로레벨의 상점과 북스토어 입면 계획은 지역 석재를 연상하는 캐릭터를 생성한다. 건물 전체를 이끄는 입면계획, 테라코타 로드(선형 판넬)는 이웃한 도시환경; 거의 대부분이 붉은색 벽돌로 이루어진 이웃 건물들에 응답, 상업건축의 고유한 캐릭터를 창출한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The Garland Avenue Mixed Use Project is a progression on our previous experience with the parking and retail typologies.  The project consists of a 1600-car parking structure, 20,000 gsf of tenant-based retail, and 32,000 gsf of anchor retail housing the University of Arkansas Bookstore.  The project occupies an 'edge' site on the major street entering the University district—the site is a seam between the University and an adjacent residential neighborhood.

Firm:Knowles Blunck Architecture
Commercial › Retail
Educational › University
Transport + Infrastructure › Parking
YEAR: 2010
SIZE: 500,000 sqft - 1,000,000 sqft
BUDGET: $10M - 50M
Photos: Timothy Hursley

Retail program is located to reinforce pedestrian circulation along the entire site and anchor the project to the site.  The open ramp structure occupies the interior of the site above the tenant retail program ensuring a lively street presence for the pedestrian-based retail development and openness for daylight and security in the ramp.

At street level the retail and bookstore components are clad in a rain-screen of recycled fiber cement board.  The charcoal color of the cement board recalls the character of local stone.
The project is wrapped in a unifying scrim of terra cotta rods the
respond to the predominantly red brick masonry character of the adjacent neighborhood.  This contextual scrim modulates itself across the ramp and bookstore to both admit and block desirable
and undesirable light sources while allowing patrons to 'see and be seen'.
Pedestrian circulation is externalized and fully glazed to promote a sense of security and 'celebration' of the experience.
The bookstore mass has been 'pulled away' from the ramp creating a pocket park facing the residential neighborhood.  This green plaza is envisioned as a respite for patrons from their daily routine.

from  architizer


Designed by JB FACTORY