*용을 닮은 파이프 화단 alexis tricoire snakes vegetal two-headed dragon through paris art venue

거대한 용 두마리가 건물 내부를 관통, 자연을 실어 나른다.

snaking through the light-filled atrium and two levels at paris’ cité de la mode et du design is ‘le dragon à deux têtes’ (the two-headed dragon), a semi-aquatic plant and animal that weaves its way through the massive art space. from now until september 20, 2015, visitors can experience the work of artist and designer alexis tricoire as it unfolds through, and interacts with the architecture of the building.

echoing the sinuous and reptilian façade of the cité de la mode et du design, ‘the two-headed dragon’ rises in the structure’s central atrium, bringing together industrial materials and plant life. lush vegetation sprouts from within huge tubes that coil around the building’s beams and up its walls. as the two painted pipelines twist and intertwine with each other, botanical life overflows from their depths, pouring greenery and delicate flowers into the central passageways that tower above visitors. 

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY