*코워킹 스페이스를 위한 오픈 오피스 [ esthet ] salt's open office

코업 비즈니스 환경을 위한 오픈 오피스. 효율적인 업무공간은 물론 심미적인 아름다운 공간을 통한 업무의 즐거움을 선사하는 비즈니스 환경의 첫번째 조건은 막힘없는; 장애없는 소통공간과 기존 장소가 투영된 재료의 지속성에 있다. 그리고 업무에 집중 할 수 있는 그룹환경과 주방, 옷장, 욕실 및 샤워실과 같이 공용기능의 명쾌한 기능 및 쾌적성에서 두번째 조건을 찾을 수 있다. 8개의 독립적인 그룹공간과 중첩된 요소를 제거한 기능적인 공용공간은 건축가 igor kuznetchov, marina rasponomareva, vitalii kodgevnicov of esthet를 위한 협업 오피스로 완성된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

the open office format is heralded just as much as it’s despised. having a beautiful, wide open space — while aesthetically pleasing — is sometimes the thorn in productivity’s side. without barriers a coworkers habits, the distant hum of a microwave, a personal phone call, are all amplified. such was the issue for salt, who after successfully opening their shiny new open layout office, couldn’t stand it. comprised of a crew of freelancers and entrepreneurs, it was quickly discovered that any more than a small handful of people in an area all but destroyed productivity.

architects igor kuznetchov, marina rasponomareva, and vitalii kodgevnicov of esthet, were brought in to redevelop the office. their concept revolves around preserving all the advantages of an open office, while simultaneously getting rid of the negatives; truly, the best of both worlds. the update divides the larger expanse into small rooms with an absolute maximum of eight workstations. all other office functions, such as the kitchen, cloakroom, bathrooms and showers, and a recreation lounge are separated physically and visually from the productive zones. other renovations include removing plaster, restoring floors, and constructing partitions from old kiln bricks.

from  designboom


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