*상하이 포트 플래그쉽 스토어, 유리블록 파사드 [ UUfie ] Ports 1961 Shanghai Façade

상하이 난징거리에 면한 포트1961 플래그쉽 스토어 파사드 디자인은 과거의 영광과 미래의 비전을 담아 현재에 투영한다.

유리블록 파사드
새로운 파사드 디자인은 바다 위 빙산과 유사한 형상과 장면을 연출, 장소에 투영된 역사성과 현대 도시풍경을 합성한다. 이를 구현하는 유리블록은  300*300표준사이즈와 300*300*300 코너블록을 사용 순수한 건축을 완성한다. 보행자 시선을 따라 수렴된 출입구는 도시환경을 흡입하는 창구인 동시에 어느 보행각도에서도 입구의 가시성 확보하는 디자인을 보여준다. 특히 야간조명을 통해 발산하는 유리블록은 그 자체가 도시를 비추는 보석이 된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Located at a major high-end commercial district at the intersection of Changde Road and Nanjing West Road in Shanghai, a new façade is created for the fashion house Ports 1961’s flagship store. The facade is representative of the future vision of Ports 1961 that brings together its origin and evolution.

  • Architects: UUfie
  • Location: Shanghai, Shanghai, China
  • Area: 1145.0 sqm
  • Project Year: 2015
  • Photographs: Shengliang Su
  • Façade Contractor: J. Gartner & Co. (HK) Ltd.
  • Project Coordinator: Yabu Pushelberg
  • Façade Engineer: T/E/S/S atelier d’ingénierie
  • Lighting Consultant: Inverse

The design evokes the idea of a landform that resembles an iceberg floating freely in the ocean; the building having a sense of being undulated, expanding and contracting, as if shaped by its environment. The facade demonstrates the possibilities of design experimentation, showing the transformation of form, material and technology, while still bringing aspect of both traditional and contemporary interpretations. The structural grandeur of the building attracts attention while its ambivalent nature is uniquely changing with its surroundings.

The facade is composed of two types of glass blocks; a standard 300mm x 300mm glass block and a custom 300mm x 300mm x 300mm corner glass block. Unlike most glass block masonry constructions, it is not limited to one vertical plane.

The combinations of the two types of glass block create a sculpted three-dimensional façade exhibiting cantilevered structures. By incorporating innovative structural engineering and inventing a new joining system in the block itself, an elaborate ornamental stepping canopy is achieved that naturally angles to the flow of pedestrian and allows for four bow windows to be visible from all directions.

The usage of satin glass block and shot blasted stainless steel material is in great contrast to the chaotic city. During the day, it mutes the surroundings, while subtly reflecting the sunlight. In the evening, the view is icy and crisp, and the surface illuminates with embedded LED lights integrated into the joints of the masonry. The differing geometries and changing perspectives of the facade expresses the transformative nature of the city and the people of Shanghai.

from  archdaily


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