*생활밀착형 가정의학 병원 [ Hkl studio ] Asahicho clinic

(생활 밀착형 의료진료를 목적으로) 심층적인 전문분야보다 광범위한 가정의학 제공을 목적으로 아사히초 크리닉은 자리한다. -우리나라도 마찬가지이지만 점차 늘어나는 노인인구 비율에 발맞추어 이런시도가 점차 늘어 날 것이다.-

건축물의 배치는 대지의 장점을 최대한 살리는 북동방향의 L자 형태로 배치된다. 자연채광 및 내외부 소통을 위한 대형 오프닝은 역동적인 입면과 함께 건축물의 얼굴(어프로치)을 생성하는 동시에 환자 및 방문객들의 프라이버시 확보한다. 친숙한 이미지 생성을 위해 재해석된 박공지붕; 집의 이미지는 열림과 닫힘을 반복, 건축적 은율을 발생한다. 내부로 이동할수록 증폭된 은율; 긴장감은 외부자연환경과 내부를 긴밀히 연결시키는 매개역활 뿐만 아니라 효율적인 공간활용을 위한 기능적 요소로 적용된다.

2층으로 구성된 크리닉의 1층은 노인과 장애인들을 고려, 대부분의 치료실과 상담실을 배치하며 직원들을 위한 서비스공간을 2층에 배치한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The Asahicho clinic is located in a residential area near Tokyo, where currently there is an increased elderly population.

Hkl studio’s project is intended to establish an “open” clinic for the local area. Which is different from the conventional hospital. The idea is that in the future the residents can visit their family doctor in this building, as opposed to the specialized medical service in the university hospital.



Program: clinic
Architects: Hkl studio
Collaborating architect: Michio Kinoshita / Workshop
Collaborating facade design: Kenichi Shikata
Structural engineer: Structural Design Office Plus One Co.,Ltd.
M&E engineer
: Sakamaki Environmental Engineering office 

Signage designer: Tokolo.com, Banana Design
Contractor: Shin Corporation
Area: 200 sqm
Completion: March 2015



To have the benefit of the maximum area on the following site boundary, the floor plan results as L-shaped. The building is northeast oriented, opening through a dynamic facade with several recesses that allow to let the natural light come inside, while at the same time keeping the privacy of visitors.

This concept of recesses creates a strong relation between the external natural environment and the interior space. That, at the same time, creates a variety of niches that give the patient the possibility to choose their favourite one.

The building is composed of two floors: on the first one there are all clinical examination rooms to facilitate the elderly and disabled people, and the service spaces for the staff members are situated at the second floor.


To give a more familiar image of the building the architects chose a typical house-shape as facade. The roof gets gradually higher until the center of the building. This transition produces spaces with right proportions, from a cozy entrance to a double height space for waiting, which reduce the feeling of pressure for the surrounding environment.



















from  domusweb



Designed by JB FACTORY