*포스트 인더스트리얼 파크 [ Tzannes ] The Brewery Yard

변화하는 도시환경에 적응하기 위한 첫번째 단추, '브루어리 야드(맥주공장 광장)' 프로젝트는 시드니 중심가에 위치한 역사적인 칼튼 및 관련 맥주공장시설의 플랜트 리노베이션을 통해 현재 도시환경에 적합한 인프라시설 확충과 지역주민들의 다양한 소셜활동을 지원하는 공용공간 창출을 목표로 한다.

인더스트리얼의 재구성

20세기 초에 건립된 맥주공장 지대(6헥타르에 달하는 면적)는 현재, 도시 중심부에 자리한 센트럴 파크와 마주한다. 그중, 2005년까지 보존된(방치된) 역사적인 건물에 현재 도시환경에 부합할 수 있는 현대적인 건축어휘와 새로운 테크놀로지를 접목한다. 동시에 역사적인 건축물의 캐릭터를 현재 공간 속에 연속시킨다. 먼저 부정형태의 기존 플랜트 지붕라인을 통합한다. 그리고 이 건축 속에 새로운 인프라, 쿨링타워를 추가 삽입, 아연도 메쉬로 마감한다. 여기서 아연도 메쉬의 반투명성은 최소한의 건축을 통한 혁신적인 쿨링타워의 기능성을 확보한다. 결론적으로 석탄 사일로를 포함한 오래된 보일러 하우스 또한 새로운 인프라 시설에 귀속된다.

역사성을 바탕으로 확장된 장소성은 스틸이 전달하는 인더스트리얼 환경을 바탕으로 새로운 도시풍경을 생성한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

This project integrates the plant equipment for a tri-generation plant with the historic Carlton and United Brewery building on the fringe of the 
Sydney CBD. The Brewery precinct, which dates from the early twentieth century, is located in the centre of this six hectare site, now known as Central Park.

  • Architects: Tzannes
  • Location: Central Park, Concord NSW 2137, Australia
  • Area: 26400.0 sqm
  • Project Year: 2015
  • Photographs: Courtesy of Tzannes

It is the largest group of retained heritage buildings on site and will provide the most direct representation of the Brewery which existed on the site until 2005. The built form of the project needed to provide a memorable expression of this important new technology within the urban context while also meeting the demanding technical requirements of the cooling towers and enhancing the heritage significance of the buildings.

We developed an innovative formal solution to this problem where the
form of the new work arose from the integration of complex profile of the existing roofline with the organic regular form of the plant equipment within. The transparency of the mesh was minimised, enhancing the solidity of the form while providing permeability for the cooling towers which need large volumes of air intake. This form was wrapped in custom made zinc mesh sheets, like fabric draped over a curved frame.

Fittingly, the new plant room hovers over the former Old Boiler House, the original power station for the site which operated in various formats until it was decommissioned in the 1980s. The original inverted pyramid coal hoppers are retained in situ within the new zinc clad enclosure and informed the volume of the base of the structure. We have extended the detailing tradition of buildings on this site. The detailing generally was intended to be direct, utilitarian and industrial this can be seen in the close up details of the steel.

Within the building supporting the cooling towers, steel bolts and plate connections for the new steel work are clearly expressed as these will be visible in the final iteration of the adaptive re-use of the building. The new slab housing the cooling towers is supported by industrial scaled steel portal frames - the beam of the portal frame is 1.2m deep and spans over twenty metres.

This project delivers significant community benefits through both the provision of a highly energy efficient method of supplying power as well as hot and cold water to a significant new mixed use development on the fringes of the city as well as providing a model of how this new technology can be integrated with an important historic structure. The design both respects this fabric as well as making this vital new technology a memorable part of the urban context. This design solution required close collaboration with our client, the heritage consultant, technical services consultants and both tri-generation and faade mesh contractors to resolve these issues and meet our ambitious design agenda through a staged GMP delivery process.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY