*자카르타 컨테이너 하우스, 인더스트리얼 디자인을 첨가하다 [ Atelier Riri ] Container for Urban Living

하우스를 위한 컨테이너의 적용은 인더스트리얼 디자인과 지속가능한 아열대 거주공간를 위한 결합으로 건축주의 한정적인 예산 내에 효과적인 실행을 만족시킨다. 두명의 자녀를 둔 젊은 부부를 위한 하우스는 자카르타시 외곽, 브카시에 자리한다. 이번 하우스 디자인을 정의하는 컨테이너는 공간을 십자로 가로지르며 외부환경으로(아열대 기후) 내부 거주성을 쾌적하게 유지시켜주는 동시에 건축주의 두번째 요구사항, 가족들을 위한 취미실 생성과 이에 대한 동선 확보를 제공한다. 하부에 위치한 주생활공간과 지붕사이에 위치, 외부환경(작렬하는 태양)으로 부터 버퍼공간을 생성한다. 계단과 램프를 포함하는 내부 동선은 활력 넘치는 공간의 연속성을 보장하는 동시에 내부 중심부에 자리한 보이드 스페이스를 기점으로 각 내부공간을 연결한다.

아열대기후를 반영한 지속가능한 거주공간

지속가능한 거주공간 생성은 재료의 선택 및 사용에도 나타난다. 소나무 파레트를 재사용한 내부 목재와 컨테이너, 도어 프레임을 연결하는 메탈 플레이트, 폴리싱 처리된 콘크리트 바닥, 벽돌벽이 컨테이너와 믹스-매치된다. 여기에 별도의 마감을 하지 않은 가구들이 더해져 인도네시아, 열대기후의 특성을 반영한 현대적인 인더스트리얼 디자인 하우스가 완성된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

In the land area of 150 sqm Atelier Riri was challenged by their colleagues to design a home by using reused containers.  Atelier Riri accept the challenge

  • Architects: Atelier Riri
  • Location: Cikunir, Jatiasih, Kota Bekasi 17422, Indonesia
  • Architect In Charge: Arga Putra Rachman
  • Area: 155.0 sqm
  • Project Year: 2014
  • Photographs: Teddy Yunantha
  • Project Directors: Novriansyah Yakub
  • Contractor: ASKALA Indonesia

The house is located in ​​Bekasi, a suburb near the big city of Jakarta. Homes for young married couples with 2 children. Besides the basic needs, in addition to gather the family as an habitable space, the owners also wants to add a hobby room as an activity area for kids and their parents.

This home consists of 4 containers installed overlapped and crosswise. These containers are deliberately functionalized for secondary needs as a hobby room, mostly because the space is spatial limited and thermal comfort is still below the average, although actually the container space has made several additional layers on the roof to lower down the temperature. This include installing the wiremesh as plant propagation and glasswool in the ceiling lambersiring pine wood.

The circulation of people inside the house were made continues to explore every space that can be more fun for the occupants. Stairs and ramps was made to reach every floor and part of the house that divided by a large void in the middle of the house. We also made additional space using a wooden deck on top of the roof.

This space can be a room to gather family while enjoying the fresh air in the morning or noon.

To continue the spirit of reuse of materials, all wood materials using the used pine wood pallet. Metal plate are arranged to form a connection between the container frame and the door. Some are also approach for reduce materials, such as floors which made from polished concrete, unfinished wood furniture, as well as the brick wall which only painted to reduce the use of cement.

The roof garden is also use as an extended space near space containers.

We strongly believe that  this house will be a new definition of contemporary tropical homes in Indonesia.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY