*스페이스쉽 홈, 조립식 주택 [ NOEM ] prefabricated spaceship home

조립식 주거의 또다른 패러다임을 봅니다. 지면으로 부터 부유하는(스틸 필로티을 통해 지면에서 띄어진) 하우스는 3개의 우드 모듈 시스템 유닛과 이를 4미터 프레임으로 지지하는 스틸 구조체로 구성됩니다. 조립식 주택의 장점; 용이한 설치과정과 빠른 시공은 이번 프로젝트의 장점으로 건축주의 요구에 유연하게 대응이 가능한 '어셈블리' 기능을 수행합니다.

건축주의 요구

스타워즈를 좋아하는 건축주의 의견을 십분 반영한 디스플레이 패널은 하우스의 주요한 시스템; 온도, 조명, 보완, 음향을 함께 설치된 두대의 아이패드를 통해 제어합니다. 주변 자연환경을 감상 할 수 있는 대형 테라스가 전면 개방 가능한 가변식 캐노피와 함께 설치, 확장된 거주환경을 완성합니다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

designed by NOEM, a group which takes its name from its desire to produce buildings with ‘no emissions’, ‘the spaceship home’ was completed for a client who wanted a quickly constructed dwelling to enjoy panoramic vistas of his plot. the project’s polished metallic exterior was the user’s aesthetic choice, with a large terrace oriented to present views of its surroundings. the unit is composed of prefabricated wooden modules attached to a metal frame four meters above the ground. access to the dwelling is via a restored airplane stairway.

location: madrid, spain
built surface: 96 sqm
energy efficiency rating: A
CO2 footprint: 17,95 KgCO2/m²
energy consumption for home climate control: 17,60 Kwh/m2year
construction time: 14 weeks

referencing the client’s love of star wars, a wall-mounted panel brings together the home’s facilities and presides over a restrained and functional interior. from this console, the user can control the entire house. the lighting, temperature, security, access and sound systems are domotic, while two iPads control all of the house’s main functions. the shutters can be raised or lowered depending on the time of day or desired temperature, the metal walls can change color, and exterior lights can be set to different modes.

the building is constructed from three prefabricated modules which arrive on-site almost completely finished. consequently, on site work only involves the unit’s assembly. one of the three modules contains the apartment’s facilities and equipment, seen as the home’s technological hub. the other two are solid wooden structures perforated with large openings, which allow inhabitants to enjoy external views.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY