*3층 공동주택으로 개조한 공장 [ Thomas Landemaine Architectes ] Social Housing in Aigues-Mortes

Aigues-Mortes에서 이루어진 이번 프로젝트는 70년대 분위기를 그대로 간직하고 있는 장소에서 완성되었다. 건물은 공장 부지에 위치하고 있는데, 이를 모던한 스타일로 다시 변형시킨 것이다. 하나의 스케일을 또 다른 것으로 바꾸는 어려운 작업을 거쳐야만 했는데, 총 3층 규모이면서도 개별 주택이 공존하고 있다.

TLA은 기존의 건물들을 재구성하기 위해서 미학적인 건물로 건축학적 성분들을 통합하고 재해석했다. 결과적으로, 건축가들은 목재료를 사용하여 프로젝트를 통합시키고자 정하게 되었다. 우선, 목재를 잘 덮은 다음 그것은 작은 부분공간이자, 좀더 비밀스러운 우주를 만들어냈다. 마치 작은 오두막집같이 말이다. 그야말로, "보여지지 않고 보기"라는 말이 이루어진 것이다.

총 15개의 아파트먼트가 두번의 노츨로 상층에 위치하고 있는데, 이 부분은 작고 적합한 볼륨으로 목재를 통해 덮여져 있다. 1층에는 2개의 공용 시설이 위치하고 있는데 하나는 세금 센터와 우체국이 그것이다.

reviewed by ZH,오사

The project of collective housing in Aigues-Mortes has been developed within an exceptional site, living witness of the 70s. The building is located in a factory estate whose architecture is marked by a modern style. The plot occupies a key spot; the work has to manage the transition from a scale to another, between 3-storey housings and individual houses the latter being scattered at the rear of the plot, on the property line.


  • Architects: Thomas Landemaine Architectes
  • Location: Aigues-Mortes, France
  • Project Lead : Grand Delta Habitat, City of Aigues-Mortes
  • Project Year: 2015
  • Photographs: MC Lucat

In order to compose with existing pieces, the TLA team has chosen to integrate and reinterpret some of the on-site architectural elements to the building aesthetic. As a result, the treatment of edging strips has been carefully thought and comes marking the floors to give a local dimension to the project. Although it is integrated in its context, it was important to give it a punch image, an identity. Consequently, architects chose to use wooden materials to unify the project. First, this material covers well and second it creates small subspaces, more secret universes. Being like little huts, the loggias create intimate outdoor spaces where it is pleasant to live. The wood emphasizes a feeling of warmth and of interiority but mostly permits one to manage opacities and transparences, and acts as a filter. Thus, “looking without being seen” becomes possible!

Finally, marking the corners appeared as a way to reinforce the project geometry and to delimit distinctly two entities. The upper part, with fifteen apartments in double exposure, is covered of wood and punctuated of small appropriable volumes. The composition is sitting on a mineral base. Here, the addition of gabion baskets comes to strengthen the dichotomy feeling between the two elements. On the ground floor two public spaces nestle: a tax center and a police station.

The main difficulty on this project were to conciliate cost, comfort, aesthetic, social and environmental issues. But this skin has not yet said its last word! Then, it takes a functional role and becomes a sunscreen. Playing with rhythms and exposures, it protects and receives light! Faithful to itself, this skin shapes and modulates the facade.

from  archdaily


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