*코드블랙 카페[ ZWEI ] Code Black

코드블랙 카페의 모던함과 스타일리쉬한 인더스트리얼 분위기는 기존 웨어하우스 리노베이션을 통해 완성됩니다. 백색공간을 바탕으로 기존 건축어휘는 최대한 반영, 장소성의 연장과 이곳만의 독특한 캐릭터를 창출합니다. 박공지붕 및 높은 천장고 그리고 개방감 높은 외부창호는 자연채광을 통한 쾌적한 거주환경을 완성시킵니다.

Australian interiors and architecture firm ZWEI, have designed Code Black, a cafe that was once a mechanics workshop in North Melbourne.

Set in what was originally a mechanics workshop, 119 Howard St, North Melbourne, is the next chapter in Joseph Haddad’s Melbourne coffee empire.

The space is a warm tonal interplay of existing spatial elements with natural light and materiality, and uses residential references to create an environment that is a ‘home away from home’.

Howard St encourages customers to sit, stay, play and work within the space by creating a seating zone that wraps around the new centrally positioned double height insertion.

While the coffee machine is located front and centre, seating nooks tuck around the counter line, even exposing the rear roaster to those positioned deep into the space – a subtle reference to the more serious and coffee centric Code Black in Brunswick.

Seating is intentionally wide and comfortable with a focal round dining table generously positioned to the front. The new timber slatted mezzanine caps the counter-line, with the intention to open up the upstairs area as a long stay work zone and weekend overflow area.

With a friendly, irreverent graphic treatment and tone throughout, even down to the menu, one could feel as if they are at a quirky friend’s house for breakfast.

Photography by Michael Kai

from  contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY