*프랑스 알프스의 농장을 주택으로[ Pierre-Doucerain ] Restoration of a Farm in the French Alps

S 부부는, 2012년에 프랑스 알프스 1550 미터에 위치한 돌 마을의 오래된 농장을 하나 사게 되었는데, 산을 사랑했던 이 파리출신 부부는, 산 한가운데에서 자식을 기르며 자신들의 주택을 만들고 싶었다.  

마을은 견고한 건축으로 두드러진 곳이었는데, 추운 날씨에서도 집들은 스스로를 보호하기 위해 옹송거리며 모여 지어졌다. 집들은 눈이 녹을 때에 잘 흘러가도록 하기 위해 계단식 가파른 길로 구분되어 있다. 벽들은 납작한 벽돌로 만들어졌고, 석영으로 줄무늬가 되어 있는 화강암으로 밝은 느낌을 주었다. 

실제 빌딩은 마을의 남서쪽에 위치하고 있었는데 남쪽을 향해 넓직한 뷰를 제공하고 있다. 지역의 전통적인 주택들과 마찬가지로, 풍경을 바라보는 발코니처럼 다소 가파른 산맥에 위치하고 있었다. 

우리는 비슷한 마음으로, 집안 내부의 바닥은 돌을 사용코자 결정했고, 텍스처나 컬러, 레이어를 이를 이용해 재미있게 놀아보고자 했다. 침대들은 수평적으로 갈라진 틈을 이용해 집 전반에 걸쳐 구분되어졌다. 거실과 부엌, 그리고 식당은 아래층에, 1층으로부터 서쪽을 향해서 침실이 배치되었다. 

In 2012, Mr and Mrs S. bought an old farm in a stone village located at 1550 meters high in the French Alps. Being mountain lovers, this Parisian couple wishes to have at their disposal for their children and themselves a residential place in the core of the mountains.

  • Architects: Pierre-Doucerain
  • Location: Institute Of French, 23 Avenue du Général Leclerc, 06230 Villefranche-sur-Mer, France
  • Project Year: 2013
  • Photographs: Courtesy of Pierre-Doucerain
  • Collaborators: Adrien Felix-Faure architect
  • Tilesetters : David Grange
  • Plasterer painter : Creadecor
  • Insulation : Bâti-vert
  • Electrician : TMac
  • Plumber : Madisun
  • Mason, carpenter : Stgm
  • Woodworker : Invernizzi (M.Berthuin)

The village is outstanding for its solid architecture, its stone squat houses huddled all together to protect themselves from the cold weather. They are separated by narrow steep staired streets allowing the water to flow when the snow melts. The walls are made whith flat stone slabs; they look dark and austere but they are brightened by the quartz veined granite.

The actual building is located at the south west extremity of the village and it opens on a large view to the south. Like the traditional houses of the place, it sets in the rather steep slope like a balcony opening to the landscape. The living part, downstairs, opens in rue Ste-Anne. Upstairs, the barn opens northward on rue des Bienheureux.

The first sketches rapidly showed how important it was to move the main entrance of the house to the high street, giving therefore the feeling to lengthen the streets of the village through the house.

In the same mind, we chose to use stone for the grounds inside the house. We played with the strates, layers, textures, colours (Luzerne stones and slates were mixed) and with a certain roughness of this material, so that you can imagine this ground has been there for ever and will survive walls and white hanging volumes.

Sheltered in these volumes, the bedrooms are separated by a vertical rift which crosses the house through and through. Spectacular, this device offers sights toward the south from the first floor, flooded with light the living room, the kitchen and the dining room wich occupies the low level.

from  archdaily


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