*상반된 개념의 조화가 느껴지는 스위스 Messer 복합건물-[ ssm architekten ] Residential and Commercial Building Messer

스위스의 Messer는 평온함과 소음, 낡음과 새로움, 삶과 죽음과 같이 극적인 개념의 공존하는 곳이다. 주거 건물과 상업 건물을 함께 건축한 이곳에서 사적인 정원을 둠으로써 꼭 필요한 사생활과 평온함을 제공하고 있다. 

노출콘크리트는 건물에 도시의 구조 내에서 필수적인 힘을 더해주고 있으면서도, 상단 사진에서 보는 것과 같이 대나무 느낌으로 표현된 구조는 콘크리트의 ‘관통 불가능한’ 특성을 보완하면서, 지속적인 변화를 통해 건물에 빛을 제공한다. 

상업건물은 서쪽에 위치한 정문을 통해 들어갈 수 있고, 주택은 상업공간 건물과 떨어져 있어, 거리의 소음으로부터 공간을 지키고 2층의 정원을 통해 독립적으로 위치해있다. 

The projects outline is determined by the particular structural and the diametetrical situation of the town and the wide space requested of the project and the conditions of the site. The contradictions of place and space is the starting point for an intense controversy with opposites like tranquility and noise, old and new, or life and death.

  • Architects: ssm architekten
  • Location: Langendorfstrasse, 4500 Solothurn, Switzerland
  • Project Year: 2015
  • Photographs: Alexander Gempeler
  • Civil Engineer: Heinz Katzenstein AG
  • Engineer: Scherler AG Solothurn
  • S-/H-/L Ing: Enerconom AG
  • Owner: Messer Begleitung & Bestattung
  • Site Area: 1 894,00 m2

The idea of a habitable funeral home to be built in an urban prominent position, implies the question of the appropriateness regarding the daily confrontation of death at the western ‘entrance gate’ to the city of Solothurn. This provision requires a very sensitive approach with regards to the selection of the material in an urban setting. The residential and commercial building needs to be, on one hand, despite the lower volume; to fit in with the guidelines of the city’s formative building laws. On the other hand, it has to satisfy the demand for a more restrained ‘devout modesty’ which has to be justified in its function. The upstream, the characterization of the road space to the commercial building serves as a sound and visual protection at the rear of the residential buildings. Together the two buildings include a private courtyard which provides the necessary serenity and privacy of the living area.

The exposed concrete gives the building the necessary strength to volumetrically exist within the city’s structure. The bamboo-like structure of the concrete breaks through the concrete’s intrinsically impenetrable surface and gives the building light through constant change in accessibility.

The commercial building is accessed via the main entrance in the west. The golden relief-like deposited west facade leads visitors to the reception area. The one facing Bielstrasse aligned with the courtyard and the large windows opening to the east allows the visitors continuous access to the outer rooms without disturbing the required intimacy. An abdication room with about 50 seats is open to people of all cultures and religions. The actual mortuary is directly accessible via an electronic locking system, day and night; for the bereaved. A big storage area for coffins can be found on the ground floor, and additional storage rooms in the basement.

The house, which through the situated part from the building of the commercial house, is protected from traffic noise and will be independently developed from the northern side via a two-story courtyard. The guest room, a study, a living-dining room and the kitchen are on the ground floor and all the bedrooms on the first floor. The living quarters are based in the area encompassed by the commercial building courtyard. The terrace on the first floor can be reached directly via an outside staircase from the ground floor patio.

Materialization / Construction
The chosen design and the materials used, comply with the monolithic, sculptural design and meet the requirements for sustainable overall conditioning of the building owners. The one with OSB peeled tiles exposed, supports the concrete building in its bold setting in relation to the place. The massive support and design structure provide a quick and easy constructional design and meet the requirements of sound and thermotechnical standards. Optimal insulated components from an average of 0.1 W/m2 K for horizontal surfaces and 0.12 W/m2 K for vertical surfaces as well as a compact and dense building envelope allows the MINERGIE standards to be realized at a reasonable cost. The necessary air exchange between interior and exterior spaces is carried out by controlled air renewal. This type of air renewal can be reached in all of the apartments at a high level of comfort. The extensive green flat roofs offers optimal summer heat protection and guarantees the necessary sustainability.


The supporting structure of the new buildings will be carried out in massive construction. The inner walls are made of masonry and trabeated concrete, reinforced concrete ceilings are designed as a flat ceiling. The buildings are configured by means of a seismic system application in accordance with SIA 261 and 262. The entire basement of the residential buildings enables easy flat foundation on a sustainable and appropriate building. In houses without cellared areas, the loads will be transferred on to the viable layer in the subsoil via strip foundation.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY