*아동 부띠크 샵 [ Anagrama ] Kindo

단순한 미학적 요소를 통해 형태와 기능을 통합합니다. 멕시코, 몬데레이 위치한 킨도 부띠크 인테리어는 유쾌한 공간 체험 속에 고객들의 편안한 쇼핑을 유도합니다. 이를 위해 정제된 디자인 어휘의 점, 선, 면으로 백색공간을 디자인합니다. 공간을 가로지르는 파스텔 컬러의 파이프는 동선을 유도하는 사인과 상품을 행-잉하는 진열대로 사용되며 정주공간에 위치한 디자인 오브제; 고객 휴식공간과 조화를 이룹니다.

Kindo is an exclusive boutique for kids' clothing and accessories in San Pedro Garza Garcia, Monterrey, Mexico. The goal was to create a shopping experience that stood out among the rest so it could be an interesting space. Our solution was to merge aesthetics, form and function into one simple element.

  • Architect: Anagrama
  • Location: Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
  • Collaborators: Roberto Treviño, Carla Baca, Sebastian Padilla, Andrea Benavides, Xavier Doria
  • Year: 2015
  • Photographs: Estudio Tampiquito

We found inspiration in a timeless didactic toy called "bead maze”, this toy is made up of geometric shapes, and uses simple figures as its base, which are moved along coloured pipes. Kindo’s color palette attempts to reflect a child’s personality, using a wide range of bright pastel and neon colors. 

The brand is a mix of the classic and the new, we wanted to create a functional circulation flow that lead the shoppers through the tangled maze. The challenge was to give order while still maintaining a fun dynamic aesthetic throughout the interior design. We used galvanised steel pipes, wood, and fiber glass to build a functional and organized sales display that classified clothing according to gender, accessories, shoes, and toys. This created a way for adults and children to resonate with this classic toy blown up to human scale proportions allowing them to interact with it in a fun and unexpected shopping experience.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY