*2개의 시설을 하나의 건물로 조화한 덴마크 국립병원호텔-[ 3XN ] Patient Hotel

덴마크의 코펜하겐 국립병원은 최근 3XN Architects이 설계한 Patient Hotel (환자를 위한 호텔)과 병원 관리시설을 새롭게 개관하였다. 총 74개의 객실을 갖춘 Patient Hotel 은 3층까지 객실을 구성하고, 이 후 6층까지 운영 사무실들이 갖추어져 있다.

건물은 외관으로 보았을 때 2개의 구조로 구성되어 있는 것으로 보이는데, 이러한 형태는 호텔과 관리동에 대한 명백한 가시적인 구분을 주기 위한 것이다. 측면에서 보면 밝은 색의 자연스러운 돌로 인해 수평적인 두드러짐을 느낄 수 있다. 더욱이 건물 자체가 주는 음영으로 인해 강한 특성을 더하기도 한다. 빛은 건물에 자연 채광의 깊이를 부과하면서도, Patient Hotel의 도착 구역과 모이는 장소로써의 기능을 부여한다. 노출 계단은 각 층을 연결하고 있다.

모든 호텔룸은 개별 발코니를 갖추고 있는데, 이 발코니들은 연계된 공원과 주위의 건물들을 향하고 있다.

Copenhagen’s Rigshospitalet, Denmark’s leading hospital, recently inaugurated its new Patient Hotel and Administrative Building, designed by 3XN Architects. 3XN designed the 7,400m2 building as an open, supportive and comfortable environment for patients, as well as an efficient work environment for the hospital’s administrative staff. The Patient Hotel offers 74 rooms on the three lower floors, while administrative offices comprise floors three to six.



  • Architects: 3XN
  • Location: Juliane Maries Vej 18, 2100 København Ø, Denmark
  • Area: 8000.0 sqm
  • Project Year: 2015
  • Photographs: Adam Mørk
  • Total Advisor: Aarhus Architects
  • Engineer: Grontmij
  • Landscape Architects: Kirstine Jensen
  • Interior: Rigshospitalet, Region H

The building appears as two stacked, juxtaposed ‘Vs’. This form establishes a clear visual separation between the two programmatic functions: patient hotel and hospital administration. The facade appears as a horizontal relief clad with light natural stone, Jura Gelb. This adds a strong character to the building while also allowing the building to shade itself. Two sky lit atria bring natural light deep into the building and function as arrival areas and gathering places for the Patient Hotel. Open staircases in both atria connect the individual floors.

“We have designed a building with these open atria to offer good visual contact, instead of the closed corridors usually associated with hospitals,” said Kim Herforth Nielsen, 3XN Creative Director and Founder. “In addition, we ensured that ample daylight and warm materials and colors create a welcoming and pleasant atmosphere, which serves as a comforting environment during a difficult period.”

All hotel rooms (approximately 20 m2 each) have a private balcony facing the adjacent park and the surrounding buildings. The hotel restaurant faces ‘Amor Park,’ offering guests and visitors the opportunity to enjoy their meals with views of the green surroundings as well.

What is a Patient Hotel?
A patient hotel is an attractive alternative for self-sufficient patients who live far away and who need accommodation in connection to examination and treatment. The patient hotel offers tranquility, the opportunity to organize the day as you wish and to have some privacy or use public areas. For patients undergoing long-term treatment, the hotel can be a welcome break outside the clinical hospital environment.

The Rigshospitalet Patient Hotel has a reception desk, staffed by nurses, as well as hotel assistants and a nutrition assistant.

A New Sculptural Parking Garage
With its distinctive façade and lighting, a new parking garage is a vibrant sculptural addition to the Rigshospitalet compound. Situated on the border between one of Copenhagen’s biggest recreational parks, Fælledparken, and the hospital, 3XN designed the new garage as an interesting element for patients, staff and passersby.

The façade of consists of twisted aluminum lamellas that establish a vivid expression. Inspired by its location next to Fælledparken, the twisting lamellas reference the organic structure of the trees. The project features pre-programmed exterior LED lighting, which creates different moods throughout the day and the seasons.

from  archdaily


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