*부식 코르텐강 파사드 스톡홀름 건축대학 [ Tham & Videgård ] Stockholm architecture school

45년만에 처음으로, 스톡홀름의 Royal Institute of Technology 건축과 학생들은 캠퍼스에 자신들만의 건물을 처음으로 갖게 되었다. 내후성 강재로 이루어진 이 라운드 블럭은 Tham & Videgård Arkitekter가 설계하였다.

KTH School of Architecture은 1970년 대 이후로 다른 곳에 건물 하나를 이전시키면서, 대학교의 메인 캠퍼스 내에 처음으로 건축 시설을 만들었다.

6층 건물은 캠퍼스의 가운데 중정이 있던 곳에 세워졌는데 이 주변을 둘러 싼 여타의 전통적인 벽돌 건물들하고는 달리, 이 건물은 미리 부식시킨 코르텐강으로 벽면의 텍스쳐를 표현하였다. 동일한 재질을 영국 북부의 주민센터나 한국의 산장에 사용하기도 했다.


For the first time in 45 years, architecture students at Stockholm's Royal Institute of Technology have their own building on campus – a round block with weathering steel walls by Tham & Videgård Arkitekter.


KTH School of Architecture is the first dedicated architecture facility at the university's main campus since 1970, when they were relocated to a building elsewhere.

But unlike the traditional brick buildings that surround it, it boasts a textured facade of pre-rusted Corten steel.

Architects Bolle Tham and Martin Videgård felt this would be the best way to make the building look contemporary but to still match the red and orange tones of its monumental neighbours, designed by architect Erik Lallerstedt in the early 20th century.

The same material has also been used recently on a community centre in the north of England and a mountain house in South Korea.

The six-storey building occupies a former courtyard space in the heart of the campus.

It has a rounded plan that is slightly triangular, creating a series of generous curved pathways around its perimeter.

"Curving walls create a free flow of continuous space that enhance the sense of openness rather than enclosure," explained the architects, whose other projects include a mirror-clad treehouse and a row of wooden skyscrapers.

from  dezeen


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