*뉴욕 산자락에 위치한 글래스하우스 [ Jay Bargmann ] Shokan House

Catskill mountain 정상 바로 아래의 아소칸(Ashokan) 저수지 끝자락에 한 집이 서있다. 오크 나무, 가문비 나무, 전나무와 간간이 자작나무가 집 주변을 둘러 싸고 있다. 

강철과 유리, 콘크리트와 세라믹, 그리고 나무는 노출되고 아무런 장식이 없는 채로 남겨져 있다. 모든 부분들은 집의 건설을 기록하고 있으며, 컨셉에 필수적인 요소이다. 집은 명료하면서도, 필요한 것 외에, 많은 말을 하지 않는다.

The house stands at the edge of the Ashokan reservoir, just below the summit of a Catskill mountain, with views extending south across and beyond the reservoir to the horizon. Oak, fir, spruce, and an occasional birch surround the house. Hawks, turkey, fox, deer and bear regularly appear.


A ½-mile gravel road curves around a grass-banked pond, leading to the long western elevation of the house and then extends, in an arc, around the southern elevation.

The 6,000 square foot house is entered from the east or west through doors set into the concrete foundation enclosing a vestibule, a bedroom and the garage. From the concrete walled vestibule with its fireplace, one turns and enters the steel-framed living room with views across treetops to the reservoir, the distant mountains and the surrounding forest.

At the top of the stair, the dining room and kitchen afford a second, more elevated view across the Reservoir to the mountains extending to the East and West. Two bedrooms and a library complete this level. The house terminates in a boulder-faced cliff, a stone terrace and herb garden on the West and a single bench to the east that sits in the tree-filtered morning light.

The exposed, reinforced concrete foundation bears on rock, the glass enclosure is built of “T” sections, bolted to the foundation, supporting open web joists, 4 feet on center. The “T” sections also serve as the frame for the glass wall, integrating structure and enclosure.

Services are run beneath the ceramic tile access floor and can be readily accessed, reconfigured or extended. Walnut cabinets define interior spaces. Furniture is walnut and painted steel with stainless steel work surfaces. The horizontal stainless steel planes mimic the surface tones of the reservoir and subtly reflect the atmospheric conditions.

Steel, glass, concrete, ceramic and wood are left exposed and unadorned. Every piece records the construction of the house and is essential to the concept. The house is lucid and laconic.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY