*인터렉티브 디자인, 큐브 marcos zotes sites immersive digital P-cube in moscow's VDNKh park

두가지 얼굴이 있습니다. 모스크바, VDNKh광장에 설치된 대형 구조물은 낮과 밤 다른 이야기를 보여줍니다. 높이 9미터, 폭 9미터, 거대한 입방면체가 전달하는 장중함이 느껴지는 낮과는 달리, 살아 움직이는 생동감이 느껴지는 야간의 입면은 드라마틱한 분위기를 연출합니다. 건축공사에 사용되는 임시구조물(비계)로 이루어진 구조 위에 반투명 재질의 패브릭을 마감, 이중적인 디자인을 구현합니다. 프로젝트를 통해 입혀진 디지털 애니메이션은 파사드를 촉감적인 면으로 변화시키며, 두개의 계단을 통해 내부를 관람하는 사람들에게도 흥미로운 공간적 체험을 유발시킵니다.

towering above visitors to moscow’s VDNKh park is an immersive installation that bears an ephemeral appearance during the day, and becoming fully alive with geometric visuals by night. commissioned by the polytechnic museum, P-cube is a temporary pavilion designed by spanish-icelandic artist marcos zotes and his studio UNSTABLE, comprising a nine meter high, and nine meter wide cubic scaffolding structure. a semi-transparent layer of fabric wraps the entire framework, forming a façade to project a dynamic digital component. on the exterior, a grid-like organism slowly transforms the integrity of the cube through a series of continuous morphological and colorful changes. a sound recording by russian electronic musician pixelord accompanies the graphic metamorphosis. 

P-Cube from UNSTABLE on Vimeo.

visitors can enter the pavilion through the structure’s four different sides. two sets of staircases provide vertical access to the public viewing platform, located six meters above ground. this level offers panoramic views over the landscape, while allowing the audience to be completely immersed in the physical-digital environment of light and shadows that the pavilion continually generates.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY