*포르투갈 리노베이션 오피스 [ XYZ Arquitectos ] CPC-IS Offices

지금 보고 있는 3층 구조의 건물은 19세기 후반과 20세기 초반부터의 의식을 고양하고 있다. 상층은 텅 비어져 있지만, 1층은 여전히 상업 공간으로써 운영되고 있다.

건물 소유주에 의해 제안된 새로운 프로그램을 적용한 상층을 커버하기 위한 조정이 이루어 졌으며 사무실로 계획되어 있는 공간은 앞으로의 활용을 계획하지 않고 자유롭게 구조적으로나 기능적으로 구성되어 있다.

특징적인 물질이나 시간과 공간을 대표할 수 있는 특성들을 회복하기 위해 현재 상태에 새로운 성분들을 더하는 형태로 작업이 이루어졌다. 이에는 서로 다른 시대와 미학적 가치, 설계된 기술과 기능성들 사이에 하나의 다이얼로그를 창의하면서도, 그 조화를 위한 새로운 순간을 분명히 하고 있다.

모든 공간들은 특히 1층에 위치한 내부 중정은 상부의 채광으로 가치를 부가하면서도 거대하고 기능적인 공간이 되는 데크를 메탈로 구성함으로써 재조직되고 다루어졌다.

The building with 3 stories, it’s and edification from the late 19

th century, early 20th century. Suffered normal degradation as a result of non- structural modifications along the various occupations that had.


  • Architects: XYZ Arquitectos
  • Location: Porto, Portugal
  • Area: 440.0 sqm
  • Project Year: 2007
  • Photographs: Luís Ferreira Alves

The upper floors were vacant but the ground floor was still operational with a commercial occupation.

The intervention intended to recover those upper levels given the new program proposed by the owner and taking in consideration the costs control.

The space planned for offices required a dimensional and functional freedom without compromising future allocations.   

A thorough analysis of the existing guided the work to recover characteristic elements, representatives of space and time, introducing new elements with contemporary comfort and language. The intention was to create a dialogue between the different times, aesthetic values, building techniques and functionality while clearly mark the new moment of intervention.    

The decorative plaster details from the lobby ceiling were valued with the introduction of indirect lighting through the new plasterboard ceiling, slightly away under the existing skylight.       

All spaces have been reorganized and treated, especially the inner courtyard on the 1st floor, in which was built a metal structure with deck becoming a large and functional space, valued with the overhead light.  

The spaces benefited, in general, of color change and punctual application of new materials giving them greater environmental contemporaneity. The most significant changes were made in the 2nd floor, the most degraded space and with less apparent functionality.    

Technically it was necessary to resort to the application of plasterboard walls and ceilings combining this new material with original elements. The intention was to leave the memory of the ancient building techniques and materials in small glass areas that resulted in striking elements in space. 

Our effort was to seek a new identity for this space without losing the existence of the past we found.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY