*미국 온타리오 고택의 리노베이션-[ DPAI Architecture ] 1930s Streamline Moderne House Got A Contemporary Renovation And Addition

온타리오 해밀턴에는 1930년 대에 지어진 오래된 주택이 있었다. 이번에, DPAI Architecture와 Toms + McNally Design은 함께 이 집에 2층을 더해 완전히 새로운 리노베이션을 진행하였다.

사진으로도 확인할 수 있듯이, 리노베이션 전의 이 집은 마치 버려진 폐허와 같았지만, 기존의 주택에 2층을 더하고 바닥에서 천정에 이르는 유리창을 더해  거대한 오픈스페이스 공간을 완성하였다.

DPAI Architecture together with Philip Toms of Toms + McNally Design, were given the task to renovate a designated heritage house in Hamilton, Ontario.

The original house is an example of 1930s Streamline Moderne architecture, which was given a full restoration, with a second storey added.


This is what the house looked like before the renovations.

And here is what it looked like after, with a second storey added, that is wrapped in floor-to-ceiling glass.

This is the rear of the home, after the renovation.

The backyard is accessible through a wall of glass doors next to the dining room.

Touches of the original home have been kept, like the built-in bookshelves.

The bright retro turquoise of the kitchen really pops against the white cabinets and walls.

At the top of the stairs is a living space with balcony access, that takes advantage of the views with the wrap-around windows.

The bathroom has a walk-in shower with rainfall showerhead, a standalone bathtub, and a vanity with double sinks.

from  contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY