*프랑스, 자연과 어울리는 기하학적 문화센터-[ périphériques architectes ] cultural center in beaumont-hague

파리를 거점으로 한 périphériques architectes는 자연 풍경을 온전히 혜택받은 프랑스 반도에서도 바닷가에, 문화센터를 건설하였다. 해변 위 도로들은 나무가 우거진 산울타리들이 심어져 있는데, 이는 바람으로부터도 보호를 해주지만, 빛을 걸러주는 역할을 하는 아치형 천장을 식물들이 만들어 주고 있다. 그러나 무엇보다 디자인 측면에서 의미를 지닌 공간이 된다는 점이 독특하다.

문화센터는 유리와 거울이 번갈아 가며 커튼월을 둔 건물로써, 색채가 다양한 메탈 패널을 조각적 특징으로 꼽을 수 있다. 날이선 기하학적 모양을 갖춘 빌딩 내 복도는 낮에는 채광을 통해 환하고, 밤에는 또 그 나름의 빛이 투영된다. 이 복도는 외부를 향해 확장되고 뒤쪽으로까지 연결된다.

paris-based périphériques architectes have built a cultural space in beaumont-hague, in france, where they integrated into and took benefit from the landscape qualities of this part of the peninsula. on the shore, sunken roads are planted with wooded hedges that protect from the win and that become vegetal vaults to filter the light over time. these landscape elements are secular forms from the site culture, but also spaces that can be employed for the sake of the design.

the cultural center is a compact 43-meter long and 11-meter high block. a covered pathway was created on the west angle of the ground floor to mark the entrance to the building. from outside, a curtain wall alternates between translucent glass and mirrors. glazed windows are mounted with a low angel facing the ground to reflect the garden that overlays indoor activities. this versatile building combines urban space, music, and nature. inside, sustainability and function are emphasized, using mostly wood and metal. 

the alley is like a street, a real public space that serves as the main circulation and as a point of distribution for all program elements. volumes receive sculptural features due to the colorful anodized metal panels. by day, the alley is bathed in light, then it lights up as a display by night. a specific perforation makes the panels play a role of acoustic baffle to absorb noise of the lobby. a canopy encloses the top and the side of the alley. mostly made with ETFE membrane, a solar optimization work allows us to take advantage of winter solar gains and to protect itself through the hall masking effects during summer.

a cavity in the concrete skin makes the entrance of the music school readable from the path. community association rooms overlay the school for density needs. at the first floor, a mezzanine overlooks the main circulation. the dance hall, opened to the public, is extended by a terrace preserved from the wind. the artist’s studio get northern natural light and the drama workshop looks like a small amphitheater. the associations office connected to the mezzanine has an attractive location close to the terrace, in a way to imagine outdoor use in sunny days.

this layout is a simple way to solve the plot leveling issues and surface water recuperation by developing some banks. the sharp geometry of the building alley is extended by an outside court and a path in the back. the court is excavated in the entrance of the building to offer a covered space.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY