*스위스 휴양주택 [ P+F ] Refuge with a view

자연속으로, 할리데이 하우스(휴양주택)이 지향하는 건축은 거창하지 않습니다. 단지 자연과의 교감을 위해 거주자를 위한 건축어휘를 생성할 뿐입니다. 두개의 복도로 연결되는 생활공간; 거실, 식당, 주방은 오픈플랜으로 구성, 막힘없는 거주환경을 연출하며 후면부에 위치한 침실과 서비스공간과 함께 이곳을 완성합니다. 따뜻하며 촉감적인 실내연출을 위해 적용된 원재료(law material); 가공되지 않은 재료가 적용됩니다. 지역재료; 나무를 통해 지역적 캐릭터를 강화하는 동시에 거친콘크리트 마감과 자연석이 조화를 이룹니다.

Parisotto+Formenton Architetti designed the interior of an apartment inside a residential building by the Swiss architect Hans-Jörg Ruch in Pontesina, Switzerland.

Architect: Parisotto+Formenton Architetti
Collaborators: Elena Pratuzzi, Olivjia Douris
Area: 160 mq
Year: 2013

This holiday house on one floor has a perfect position to enjoy the breathtaking panorama of the surrounding mountain landscape dominated by woods and the peaks of the Bernina valley.

The pivot of the space is the two-sided loggia that organizes the entire area dedicate to the living room, dining and kitchen. Bedrooms and service areas are located at the back.
The material concept is based on warm, tactile, real materials that are used in a contemporary, unusual way. The project enhances the natural characteristics of the local woods, somewhere applied rough in contrast with more refined surfaces, and natural stones combined with portions of rough concrete.
The minimalistic approach to the volumes and the simple contemporary furniture find a perfect match with some richer details such as furs, decorative elements and contemporary art.
Generally speaking, the interior design follows the main project approach: the void of the loggia contrasts with the solid presence of the big concrete wall, smooth as silk, that stands out the warm larch-wood boiseries, flooring and ceiling.

from domusweb


Designed by JB FACTORY