*원초적인 삶으로 돌아가고자한 베이징 타운하우스-[ Archstudio ] Haitang Villa

오늘은 베이징에 위치한 3층 구조의 타운하우스 프로젝트를 소개한다. 1층과 지하실은 방문객들을 맞이할 수 있는 공간으로 서로 연결되어 있고, 2층은 일상 생활을 위한 공간으로 개별 입출구가 존재한다.

디자인의 기본 컨셉은 재질의 변화들을 이용하면서도, 인도어와 아웃도어의 경계를 무너뜨리는 공간을 활용하면서, 층간에 있어 리치한 열린 환경을 창의적으로 만드는 것이다. 그래서, 실내 공간에 제한적인 데코레이션을 하고, 천연의 단조로우면서도 조용하고 원초적인 삶의 분위기로 돌아가고자 하였다.

The project is a three-story townhouse located in a residential area in the eastern suburbs of Beijing. The first floor and the basement are a connected space which is used to receive visitors. The second floor is for daily living, it has separate entrances and exits.

The basic concept of the design is to use the changes of material and space to blur the boundary between indoor and outdoor, and the relationship among interfaces, to create an open environment rich in layers, thus to make the interior space get rid of limited decoration, and return to a natural, simple, quiet and oriental living atmosphere.


Haitang Villa, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China

Program: single-family house

Architects: Archstudio (Han Wen-Qiang, Li Yun-Tao)

Area: 510 sqm

Completion: 2015

The design of the first floor is developed around living room and study room, oak grille and shelves are used to meet requirements of book collecting, exhibition and display, and to create a sense of layer of semitransparent from outside to inside.

The tea room use gray cement paint combined with custom-made concrete counter top and table top, in this way the contrast of grey box and the background will result in space experience of different scales. The same technique is used in the design of living room and bedroom. For the basement floor the designer reintegrates the relationship between sunken garden and the interior space, bamboo forest in the courtyard creates landscape interactions between interior views and outdoor views. The underground garage has been turned into a bright guest room.  “Dome” is used in the living area of the second floor to soften the relationship between the roof and the wall, which makes the interior space soft and full of change.

from domusweb


Designed by JB FACTORY