*뮬류창고의 특징을 살린 물류센터 오피스 구성-[ JC Architecture ] ALP Logistic Office

ALP 물류회사는 타이완 신베이에 위치한 물류 센터 내에 메인 오피스와 리셉션 공간을 물류창고를 배경으로 한 근무환경으로 새롭게 디자인해 줄 것을 요청했다. 그리하여, 물류 컨테이너 박스와 팔레트 등을 조합하여 이 공간 내 복합 층의 공간을 만들었다.

물류창고 특유의 장소가 가진 유연성과 잠재력을 보여주고 그것을 느낄 수 있었으면 하는 의도를 기반으로 커다란 창문과 높은 천정을 구성함으로써 마치 물류 컨테이너가 쌓인 구조를 통해 개인 공간을 만들었고, 또한 오픈 환경 안에 서로 각기 다른 분위기를 조성할 수 있었다. 인더스트리얼과 모듈식의 컨셉을 전체에 깔면서도 층으로 구성된 판넬로 계단 플랫폼을 구성하였다.

Acting as the main office and reception of the vast logistic center in New Taipei City, the ALP owners wanted to establish a reference design for the workplace in the warehouse setting. We utilized the properties of key elements of the logistic center to develop the space. Racking systems, pallets and shipping containers all have the ability to form multi-level spaces within a space, carrying new products and possibilities.


    •    Architects:  JC Architecture
    •    Location:  Taipei, Taipei City, Taiwan
    •    Area:  196.0 sqm
    •    Project Year:  2015
    •    Photographs:  Zachary C. Hone
    •    Designers:   Winnie Lin
    •    Lead Designer:  Johnny Chiu / Maria Isabel Lima

We wanted to create that feeling and showcase the flexibility and potential of the site. With Large windows and high ceilings, we were able to add floor area with stacked shipping container-like structures to create privacy as well as different atmosphere within an open environment. It breaks down the homogenous character of warehouses, such that the container floor becomes the roof and intimacy for areas below. 

The industrial and modular concept is carried throughout, from the rope screen walls of the large meeting room to the layered pallets serving as the stairs platform. The character of the space remains true to the core value of the company and inspires new possibilities and practicality in creating dynamic offices and storages within a logistic center.

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY