*야외의 삶을 통해 풍요로움을 더한 일본 아이치 주택-[ Suppose Design Office ] House in Anjo


야외 공기를 마시며 저녁식사 즐기기, 하늘 보며 느긋하게 목욕하기, 해먹 위에서 잠 자기.
이 모든 경험은 야외의 환경속에서나 가능한, 우리 삶을 더 풍요롭게 만드는 것들이다. 오늘 소개하는 일본 아이치 시에 위치한 집은 5 식구의 젊은 가족이 사는 곳이다. 의뢰인들은 단순히 집 안에서의 시간을 즐기는 것보다 야외의 공간에서 시간을 누리고 싶다는 생각을 했다. 자녀들이 정원에서 자유롭게 뛰어놀 수 있는 그런 편한한 공간을 바랬던 의뢰인들의 제안을 통해 우리는 "외부, 밖"이라는 개념을 생각해보았다. 우리는 삶을 '내부, 안'에서 보통 보내기 마련이지만 우리의 디자인을 통해 우리는 외부와 좀 더 가까이 접근할 수 있음으로써 삶의 새로운 가치를 부여하고자 했다.

Dinner in the open air, bath time at the open air bath, Sleeping in an open air hammoc... The experience in the outdoor environment can make our quality of life richer.

The site is located in the residential area of Anjo-city, Aichi prefecture. The Client is a young family of five people. They wanted to have an enjoyable time not only inside the house but also a desire for an outdoor space: a comfortable space where their kids can play freely in the garden. Let us think about the "outside." Usually, we live our lives inside. Through our design, we proposed a new value of life to become closer with the outside.

    •    Architects Suppose Design Office
    •    Location:  Anjo, Aichi Prefecture, Japan
    •    Area:  168.87 sqm
    •    Project Year:  2016
    •    Photographs:  Toshiyuki Yano
    •    Constructor:  Oharamokuzai
    •    Structure Design:  Ohno Japan
    •    Site area:  226.86 m²
    •    Footprint area:  118.40 m²

Through this concept, we covered most of the site with a large roof, and made the external area equal with the interior area of the single open Living Dining Kitchen(LDK) space. In Japan, a garden usually exists for appreciation. However, this enclosed garden as the LDK for the outside is used like a room. With the kitchen outside, we incorporate this special activity of eating outside, in which it becomes a part of their everyday routine. Also, family actively uses this outside room for their daily life, such as; listening music, relaxing, reading books, sleeping, and so on.

We could say this "garden room" can be a large boundary of the house. Through the window of the garden room, we can see the neighbor's garden. This scenery is different from the ordinary garden that we can see from inside of the house. The garden room makes continuity with the neighbor, and expands the richness of life from inside the house.

We realize that the consideration of "outdoors" creates a strong relation to the richness of archi- tectural boundary. We would like to explore such boundaries between the inside and outside.

from archdaily


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