*1930년대 지어진 바르셀로나 노후아파트 리모델링-[ adrian elizalde ] 1930s apartment in barcelona

adrian elizalde이 이번에 작업한, 바르셀로나 중심 구역의 1930년대 아파트는 리노베이션 전에는 방을 여러개로 쪼개 빛도 잘 들어오지 않았던 곳이었다. 워낙 오래된 집이다 보니, 원래 건축적인 의도가 뭐였는지 조차 이제는 남아있지 않았던 이곳을 담당한 디자인팀은 기존에 가지고 있던 세라믹 바닥 타일과 궁릉형 천장, 목재 부속품들을 살려보는 형식으로 리노베이션 작업을 진행하였다. 

아파트를 하얀색으로 칠한 이유는, 자연채광을 더 강조하기 위한 것 목적뿐만 아니라, 바닥타일의 색채감을 더하기 위한 이유도 있었다. 슬라이딩 도어 파티션을 통해 적절한 사생활을 더하기도 빼기도 하는 방식을 택했다.

catalan architect adrian elizalde has renovated a 1930s apartment in barcelona’s central eixample district. prior to its overhaul, the interior was dimly lit with excessively divided rooms. over the years, layers of material and modifications had built up, masking the intentions of the original architecture. consequently, the design team chose to remove any such additions, uncovering the original ceramic floor tiles, vaulted ceilings, and wooden joinery.


architect: adrian elizalde
collaborator: clara ocaña
client: juanjo y magda
location: provença 371, barcelona
project: march 2014 – july 2014
surface: 70 sqm
budget: €520/m2
photography: adrià goula

the apartment walls have been painted white, a gesture that not only increases the radiance of natural light, but also enhances the colors incorporated within the restored tiled floor. at the heart of the home is a three meter table, positioned between the living room, master bedroom and kitchen. this particular item unites the home’s activities, allowing occupants to use the area as a study, sitting space, or dining area. against the adjacent wall is a bench — used for both seating and storage — which measures 5.2 meters.

space is carefully delineated in order to create areas for different functions. sliding doors partition the 70 square meter unit, providing more or less privacy as required. the two bedroom residence includes a centrally positioned kitchen and bathroom, and a living space that opens onto a small balcony. elizalde also designed much of the dwelling’s furniture, with a local carpenter commissioned to construct the plywood pieces. the sliding doors are made from birch, and have been attached to an existing klein system.

from designboom


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