*일본 협소주택, 노후주택 리모델링에서 답을 찾다 [ Takeshi Shikauchi Architect Office ] Bath Kitchen House

정해진 정답은 있습니다. 생활에 맞추어, 인원 수에 맞추어 공간을 확장하면 됩니다. 하지만, 불행인지, 행운인지, 제약조건이 거의 대부분 주어집니다. 그런면에서 이번 아파트 리모델링은 매우 흥미롭습니다.

노후된 협소한 주거공간의 재활용. 여기에 두아이를 포함한 4인가족의 거주공간 확보. 어려운 두가지 숙제는 일본 다다미방의 유연한 확장성을 모티브로 재해석됩니다. 공간의 확장 대신, 공간의 중첩을 적용합니다. 주방, 욕실을 포함한 워터존을 중첩합니다. 평상시 열린 주방과 욕실은 생활공간을 대표하는 거실에 편입되어 공간을 확장시킵니다. 필요시에는 미닫이를 이용, 사용됩니다.

열린주방보다 열린 욕실이 이번 프로젝트의 핵심입니다. 아이들에게 물놀이 공간과 생활공간을 동시에 만족시키는 흥미로운 발상입니다.

According to Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, it is said that there are 1.29 million condominium apartments which is over 30 years old and it is estimated to increase up to 4.47 million in 30 years. Residents will get old together with the building and there will be many cases that refurbishment and rehabilitation are not possible due to the cost repair issues. It could lead to vacancy and turn into slum centering in urban areas.Imbalance of generation, aging of residents and dilapidated buildings are something that are inextricable to each other.

FIRM: Takeshi Shikauchi Architect Office

TYPE: Residential › Apartment 


YEAR: 2012

SIZE: 0 sqft - 1000 sqft

PHOTOS: Takeshi Shikauchi Architect Office, Kouichi Torimura photo studio

I thought by the combination of architectural efforts such as “changing the space into one room” “opening and closing by sliding doors” “multi-layered usage” and the idea of “live for a limited time frame even though its small” could change a 40m2 apartment which is thought to be difficult to deal with among real estate market in Japan, due to reasons such as “too large for single person” “too small for family” could be changed into an attractive home precisely because it’s for a family with small children.If the fact that newly built level house can be attainable at an amount of money almost same to rented accommodation, the rooms of collective housing will be updated and mixing among generation could happen.Moving in of young people is also valuable for maintenance aspect.I believe that “individulal design” with a point of view of maintenance of the whole building is essential for stock utilization.

This is a house to live for ten years until the children grows up and become junior high students.We didn’t need a kid’s room so we chose a small apartment. Due to the age and size of the apartment, we were able to hold down the expense of the apartment itself and appropriate the budget for renovation cost.As requested by the client it is a one room space, with spacious bathroom and kitchen on the window side.The bathroom can be closed by doors securing privacy and waterproof property when using. At other times it is used as the extension of the main space. By opening and closing the doors the space and the usage of the room is changed and the space is used effectively.The material of the floor is teak. Unity of material makes the space look larger.When thinking about utilizing stock apartments, I think that casual house according to various life stage can be a solution.

from architizer


Designed by JB FACTORY