*모듈식 목재 아파트 단지-[ PPA architectures ] 50 Modular Timber Apartments

광역도시권에서도 가장 역동적인 지역 가운데 하나인 Toulouse 내 북부에서도 불리한 시민들을 위한 주택을 짓는 일은 더 관대하면서도 혼합 도시 개발에 이바지하기 위한 ADOMA의 미션 중 하나이다.

ADOMA의 서부에서 이뤄지는 이 새로운 건설 프로젝트는 1. 지역 주민에게 실용적이면서도 장식적인 공간을 제공하면서도 주변 지역까지 재조직화할 수 있는 새로운 건물을 지을 것, 2. 기능적 구성을 최적화하면서도 지역설비시설을 포함해 지역 전반에 걸쳐 국내 경로들을 유지할 것 3. 북부에 근간을 둔 아파트에 대해 간과하는 일을 최소화할 것 등을 포함하고 있다. 이러한 사항들을 고려하여 50개의 모듈식 목재 아파트 단지가 탄생하였다.

Building housing for the disadvantaged population of the northern districts ofToulouse (one of the most dynamic areas of the conurbation) is – as part of ADOMA’s insertion mission – a modest yet active contribution to the development of a more generous and mixed city. 


The new construction project on the west portion of the ADOMA site necessitated a profound questioning of its organisation, including a change in the balance between built and unbuilt areas to the detriment of the latter, and consequently to the quality of use by residents.

One could indeed fear, given the size and the current configuration of the Place des Papyrus, the overall direction of the site and the technical constraints imposed by the construction of timber modules, that many homes would be facing north and overlook -or be overlooked by- existing buildings. 

Aware of these constraints and aiming to make the new building «acceptable» in an urban way for existing residents and as comfortable as possible for its future residents, we suggested the chosen timber modular construction system which would achieve the following objectives: 

  • Implanting the new building so that it positively reorganises the surrounding collective areas, especially by offering new practical and ornamental spaces replacing the existing ones.

  • Maintaining the uidity of domestic routes throughout the site, whilst optimising its functional organisation. This includes repositioning service and equipment facilities – mailboxes, spaces for two-wheeler parking and selective waste sorting – and reorganising means of access.

  • Minimising overlooking and north-oriented apartments, while ef ciently organising internal service paths, the overall compactness and the technical management of the building. 

This results in a synthesis, as part of the architectural and technical project, between the inherent ef ciency of the repetitive, dense and «stackable» aspect of a modular building and the contextuality that is essential to the new building’s quality of use and «integration».
These differing objectives are successfully and closely intertwined in this project. 


Designed by JB FACTORY