*과학고등학교 [ McBride Charles Ryan ] Ivanhoe Grammar Senior Years Centre

과학과 예술, 대비되는 두 세계를 하나의 공간 속에 투영한다. 이를 위한 학습공간은 투명성, 다양성, 다목적성, 유연성을 바탕으로 구축된다. 여기에 또한 내외부의 능동적인 연결이 추가된다.

다채로운 색감, 원통형 건물의 형상은 이를 뒷받침하기 위한 건축적 장치로 다중첩공간 생성과 유기적 연결을 보장한다.

Our brief was for a new Science and Senior Years Centre. The key characteristics of the learning spaces were transparency, variety of spatial type, multiple-use, flexibility, adaptability, and interconnectivity between the learning spaces and to the outside environment.
The circular shaped plan form was adopted for the building; this shape had an appropriate civic quality which built upon the schools original masterplan. However, rather than adopting a circular or radial pattern we choose to overlay an angular geometry. This geometry was used to define the central courtyards, the light wells and a mosaic of learning spaces. This geometry contrasts with the buildings circular shape, highlighting key entry points and providing a distinction between the outer world (singular, civic, circular, executed in a muted landscape palate) and the inner world (complex, dynamic, expressive & colourful).
The contrast so evident in this building’s language encapsulates the contemporary methodologies for a well-rounded education. The circular form is classical, representing order, and the certainty of knowledge – the building’s inner world, with its expressive and complex mosaic of spaces, represents the uncertainty and complexity of modern life and scientific understanding, and the necessity of the qualities of wonder and imagination to see us through.

Firm :McBride Charles Ryan
Type: Educational › High School
YEAR: 2016
SIZE: 25,000 sqft - 100,000 sqft
BUDGET: $5M - 10M
Photos: StephanieM, zoef, John Gollings

from architizer


Designed by JB FACTORY