*일본군 주택을 현대적으로 리노베이션한 타이완 빈티지하우스-[ HAO design ] historic dwelling in taiwan into an experimental living studio

타이완의 레지덴셜은 원래 2차 세계 대전 당시 일본군이 지은 집을 리노베이션한 것이다. 타이완의 첫 군대 정착지였던 이웃 마을들은 일본군이 물러난 후 빠르게 황폐화되었다. 철거되는 대신 마을은 보존해야할 문화적 의미를 지닌 랜드마크로써 2015년에 새롭게 등재되었고, 시민들은 이 곳을 임시 숙소로 바꾸기로 했다. 오래된 주택을 리노베이션하는 것은 흥미로운 일이긴 해도, 물도 전기도 없는 이미 무너져내리기 시작한 집이란 사실은 변함없었기에  디자인 팀은 현존하는 건축과 갈등없이 새로운 공간을 창조해야만 했다.
일 례로 지붕 타일은 일본식 건물의 특성을 가지고 있었으나, 물이 새는 등의 심각한 문제가 존재했기에 타일을 복원하기 전에 방수 처리를 철저하게 해야만 했다. 빨간 대문 또한 군사 마을의 상징과 같았는데 이것은 모던한 알루미늄 대문으로 교체면서, 이 지역의 문화와 풍경을 반영하는 빨간색의 콘테이너 문으로 그 산업적 특징을 반영하였다.

this residential renovation in taiwan occupies a building originally built by the japanese army during world war II. as part of huangpu village, taiwan’s first military settlement, the neighborhood quickly fell into disrepair after japan was defeated. rather than being demolished, the village was subsequently listed as a protected cultural landmark. in 2015, citizens were encouraged to apply for temporary residence within the neighborhood.

interior design: HAO design
location: kaohsiung city, taiwan
area: 137 sqm
completed: 2015
type: residential
photography: hey!cheese

HAO design was asked to restore one of the site’s dwellings — retaining the original structure and keeping the historical context. conceived as an experimental living studio, the property has been designed to host workshops, lectures, and hands-on cement work. the scheme also provides an art residency, allowing members of the renovation project to practice their interior design skills.

‘although renovating an old house was an exciting task, the house when we took over was falling apart,’ explains HAO design. ‘there was no water or electricity.’ considering the historical significance of this building and its special cultural value, the design team sought to create a space that wasn’t in conflict with the existing architecture.

for instance, the roof tiles were characteristic of a japanese building, however leaks were a serious problem. the team applied a waterproof coating before restoring the tiles. ‘the red gate symbolic of a military village had already been replaced by a modern aluminum gate, so we decided to introduce the industrial feature of kaohsiung by presenting a red freight container gate which reflects the culture and landscape of kaohsiung city,’ adds HAO.

upon entering ‘J.Y. studio’ one enters an enclosed courtyard that connects to each area of the plan. the patio contains tropical plants suitable for the climate of southern taiwan: succulents, japanese ivy, small cacti, agaves and crane flowers have all been planted. the courtyard also incorporates elements of playfulness — a bright pink door and a large lego-style table.

internally, many of the original elements have been retained. a japanese-style room forms the property’s main space, hosting a preserved wardrobe that has been turned into a functional wall cabinet. the structure of the ceiling was also preserved, but painted in cocoa to echo the room’s timber tones. a wooden sliding aperture that faces the garden has been remade from solid wood, while the lower part of the window was replaced with glass — allowing natural light and views.

an adjacent room retains its original ceiling, terrazzo flooring and brown walls. ‘we arranged track lighting here and set it out as an exhibition space,’ says HAO. ‘we decorated the space with taiwanese armchairs produced in the 50s using R-shaped wooden tenons; a classical japanese karimoku sofa popular in the 60s; taiwanese trumpet stools reminiscent of pop art from the 70s; and a yellow floor lamp symbolic of the space age.’

from designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY