*중정형 하우스 [ gradoli & sanz architects ] casa ricart

여전히 어제의 공간은 유효하고, 현재에 새로운 얼굴을 필터링해 준다. 두개의 중정, 전통적인 주거양식이 남겨진 스페인 발렌시아 주거단지 내 위치한 주택 리노베이션의 특징은 내부에 위치한 두개의 중정에 있다. 내외부를 밀착시키는 매개체 역활과 동시에 필터링하는 역활을 수행한다. 두개의 공간을 물리적으로 구분하는 복도와 인상적인 장면을 연출, 공간의 깊이감을 더한다.

located in valencia, spain, ‘casa ricart’ is a residential scheme realized by gradoli & sanz architects. defined by its traditional yet distinctive façade, the property is situated in the historic benimaclet neighborhood of the city.

at the heart of the home there are two modest sized internal courtyards. gradoli & sanz architects decided to organized the internal program around these two patio spaces: one that sits in transition between the living room and kitchen, while the other is shaded, intimate and filled with vegetation. large timber-framed doors mark the boundaries between inside and outside; the larger patio features a large olive tree with a staircase that gives the residents access to a roof terrace. the interior is warm and relates back to its existing context. this is highlighted with the concrete and brickwork used predominantly throughout, with a bookshelf that runs the length of the horizontal wall.




from desginbbm


Designed by JB FACTORY