*부다페스트 무기공장 리모델링, 로프트 하우스 [ A+ZDesignStudio,DesignMilk ] A Weapons Factory In Budapest Becomes A Home

시간을 거슬러, 공간을 영속시킨다. 한때 무기공장으로 사용된 4층 규모 건물이 리모델링 된다. 50-60년대 감성이 묻어나는 현대적인 거주공간은 19세기 양식의 외관과 상반된 얼굴을 보인다. 하지만 이지점이 리모델링의 독특한 캐릭터를 생성한다.

A Weapons Factory in Budapest Becomes a Home FORWARDVIEW THE PHOTO GALLERY
A+Z Design Studio, run by architect and production designer Attila F. Kovács and his art director and stylist wife, Zsuzsa Megyesi, became their own clients when they converted a four-story building that was once a weapons factory, into their home. Located in the southern part of Budapest, Hungary, Loft 19, their tower-like home, and the large factory complex date back to around 1913-1915 and have become protected industrial buildings. The space is quite unusual but they’ve made it all their own creating the perfect blend of design from Kovács’ childhood years (1950s-60s) with a contemporary spin.

from dwell


Designed by JB FACTORY