파주 알루미늄 루버 복합시설-[ AND ] café/residence clad with aluminum louvers

파주에는 AND가 완공한 알루미늄 루버로 마감한 카페을 겸비한 주택이 있다.  어느 커플을 위해 설계된 이 건물은 1층에 음악을 테마로 한 카페가 있고, 윗층에는 주거공간으로 구성되어 있다.

지나가는 행인들을 반갑게 맞는 듯한 다이나믹한 1층 공간을 갖춘 건물은 루버월로 처리되었다. 3면이 주변 건물들로 둘러 싸여 있어 AND가 직면한 난점은 완만한 채광을 거르면서 투명하면서도 에너지 효율적인 정면을 어떻게 구성해야할까 하는 점이었다. 그래서 서쪽에서 들어오는 직사광선을 제한하고 남쪽으로부터 빛을 끌어들이고자 했다. 이를 통해 내부적으로는 2개의 거대한 굽은 벽이 자연 채광을 1년 내내 깊이 안으로 끌어들이는 형태로 표현하였다.

in paju, a city in south korea’s gyeonggi province, AND (architecture of novel differentiation) has completed a café/residence clad with aluminum louvers. the building was designed for a couple who manage the ground floor music-themed café and live at the structure’s upper storeys. the brief for ‘louverwall’ called for a vertical, transparent, and dynamic ground level that welcomed passersby.

as the plot is surrounded by other buildings on three sides, AND’s main challenge was to develop a fourth façade that was both energy efficient and transparent, filtering soft daylight. ‘we decided to limit the direct light of the west and bring in the light from the south,’ explain the architects. a south-facing clerestory window has developed, while internally two massive curved walls bring natural daylight deep into the floorplate throughout the year.

the façade is combined with louvers that are designed to block out the summer sun. the design of the aluminum louvers, which cover the entirety of the curtainwall, is the result of an algorithm that finds the best performing solution for the given surface. PLDS (parametric louver design system) finds the optimized set of formal parameters for the glazed surface, taking into account the angle of rotation, spacing, projection length, and inclination.

however, the louvers do not just block direct sunlight. they also allow winter sun to pass through, ensuring that the curtain wall does not create extra heating and cooling loads. the façade casts a pattern across interior surfaces, tracking the sun’s movement across the sky and indicating climatic conditions. as one ascends the stairs leading to the living quarters above, a rhythmic play of light and shade occurs, activating the entirety of the space.

from designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY