*보아비스타 단독주택 리모델링-[ Pablo Pita Architects ] Boavista House

보아비스타는 유명한 포르토 거리에 같은 이름을 가진 단독주택 보수공사를 말한다. 이 지역은 가장 붐비는 거리에 있는 철거를 직면한 백년된 낡은 집이었다. 오래된 구조물의 폭 제한은 그 경계를 확장하는 주택으로 연결된다. 이로 인해 하나의 연속적 공간을 통한 전체 사회 설정 역역을 제공하고 주방 확장이라는 측면에서 외부와의 주요한 관계적 역할은 정원에서 담당하게 된다. 채광의 높이는 3층 구조간 가시적 관계를 허용함으로써 주택의 독특한 스케일을 규정하고 있다.

Boavista is a single-family house refurbishment in a well-known Porto street with the same name. The plot was a last century house in an advanced state of ruin facing one of the busiest streets, but offering a garden in the interior of the block.
The width limitations of these old constructions invite the dwelling to extend its boundaries to the inner courtyard. With this, a generous area is provided, setting the entire social area through one contiguous space. The kitchen extension connects to the garden, assuming a crucial role in the relation with the exterior. A wheeled wooden island allows a flexible use of the space. A skin of wooden shutters characterize the extension façade and set different layers of shade.
In the center a light core is settled, being the stairs developed in different stages with different relations with this void. Therefore the theme of the skylight is revisited, exploring one of the main features of these old constructions and enhancing its importance on the structure of these typologies. The height of the skylight defines an unusual residential scale allowing visual relations between the three floors.

ARCHITECTURE | Pablo Pita Architects
TEAM | Pablo Rebelo . Pedro Pita . Ricardo Oliveira . Catarina Alegria
PHOTOGRAPHY | José Campos . Architectural Photography

from architizer


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