*집과 사무실 [ petr stolín architekt ] zen houses

두개의 공간, 사무실과 집을 병렬로 배치한다. 그리고 연결한다. 3미터 폭의 두개 큐빅은 정제된 공간 속에 최소한의 기능을 수반하도록 디자인된다. 

using straightforward and efficient construction techniques, ‘zen houses’ is a project based on simplifying the meaning of housing and development. located outside liberec, czech republic, the dwelling has been split into a residence and a studio, addressing the notion of combining living and working together. 

realized by petr stolín architekt, the construction is split into two identical cubic volumes: one for residing in, the other for working. these rectangular forms –3 meters in width– with the height of two floors, sit adjacent to each other and positioned to frame a large a tree and face south. the exterior envelope is clad in transparent acrylic panels that has been mounted on a simple wooden frame to highlight the detail of the exposed timber structure.

taking cues from japanese architecture, the experimental character of the houses deliver a deliberate austerity. both volumes contain a half mezzanine level and large recessed windows that frame the fields outside and floods the interiors with natural light. the living quarters is finished in black, whereas the studio is in white. furthermore, the project keeps with a low budget by using a basic palette of materials including chipboard, wooden beams, plywood, raw metal and rubber.

despite the separation of programs, the residences have a mutual visual contact. a short elevated platform outside connects the two spaces together and allows for the void space in between to serve as a private garden and outdoor dining space.

from designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY