*덴마크 산업시설 리노베이션-[ SLETH architects ] Sonnesgade 11

덴마크 오르후스는 2017년 산업지구였던 곳곳을 모던한 지역으로 변경할 계획에 있으며, 이중 주요한 문화 지구로 Godsbanen을 선정했다.

오래된 화물 터미널 지역이었던 Godsbanen은 생생한 문화 도시지역으로 탈바꿈 할 예정인데, 새로운 오피스 빌딩 디자인의 시작점으로 기존의 산업 시설에 공간적이면서도 물질적 특성을 재사용하고 재사고하는 데 초점을 두었다. 이렇게 탄생한 새로운 건물은 기존의 지하 산업 구조 위에 바로 올려 새 건물의 기초로 삼았다.

As the city of Aarhus prepares for 2017, a number of urban districts are being transformed from industry to modern city districts. One of the main culture venues in 2017 will be Godsbanen - a new lively and cultural district on the old freight terminal area. The new mixed building by SLETH is situated nearby Godsbanen and reflects the transformation from industry to lively cultural urban district.

The starting point for the design of the new office building is an ambition to reuse and rethink spatial and material quality on the former industrial site. The new building is directly grounded on the original underground industrial constructions, which acts as the building’s foundation.

Architects: SLETH architects

Location: Sonnesgade 11, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

Partners in Charge: Søren Leth, Rasmus Therkildsen

Area: 2800.0 m2

Project Year: 2016

Photographs: Rasmus Hjortshøj / C O A S T

Manufacturers: BASF, DAMPA, Schüco

The building consists of 3 stacked layers of 50 meters long office floors supported by a core wall. Underneath the office floors, where the sloping terrain defines an opening, the restaurant is located facing the street. The parking garage and a wine retailer is located under the sloping landscape. The building has a high degree of flexibility and interaction between the floors, which enhances the meeting situations between different users of the building. The individual floors are open, flexible working environments with the service functions integrated as a single architectural element in the eastern facade of the building.

Around the building, the sloped asphalt terrain is forming the outdoor areas for terraces, bikes and gardens. The building´s expression is a collage of elements reflecting the surroundings with 6 facades creating a dialogue with the mixed vague context.

The project itself is a 1:1 realisation of the architecture and challenges of the office SLETH as both landowner, developer and architects – based on the potential of Sonnesgade.

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY