*싱가포르 쓰루 하우스-[ Materium ] Through House, Singapore

3면이 다른 집들로 둘러 싸인 이 곳은 앞에는 작은 공원이 그리고 뒤에는 낮은 동산이 위치한 곳에 있다. 집이 위치한 지역적 특성으로 인해 그 안에서 어떤 멀찍한 대화가 필요한 느낌을 주었고, 이를 통해 앞에는 U자 형태의 발코니를 통해 거리에서 한 단계 올라선 분위기를 줄 수 있었다. 또한 우림 캐노피를 이용하여 집안 내부로 공원을 끌어 들여온 효과를 주었다.

Flanked on three sides by other houses, it finds itself in the middle between a small park in front and a hill further behind. This position allows the house to set up a distant dialogue between them. In front, a U-shaped balcony cantilevers out above street level to channel the park into the interior where raintree canopies frame an intimate study.

Program: single-family house
Architects: Materium
Interior Design: Atelier Here
Engineer: Cericorn Consultants
Area: 350 sqm
Completion: 2016

At the back, an open roof terrace cuts back the house massing above the rear neighbors to take in views of the distant forest hill. Between this two ends, internal rooms are pulled back to create a non-linear spatial passage from front to back, shunning the view of surrounding neighbors. This internalized private ‘climb’ from park to hill, through the passage, forms the main spine around which the rest of the domestic spaces are arranged.

On one side of the passage, the living room atrium extends up from the ground floor. Here, a white veil of grided sunscreen fragments the park foliage into moving glimpses of green. Lit by daylight from the side garden, filtered light from the front and skylight above the staircase, the nature of this space changes as the natural light it receives constantly shifts throughout the day.


Designed by JB FACTORY